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「香港懷舊菜」 / Hong Kong Nostalgic Cuisine @ Regal Court - Regal Kowloon Hotel

「香港懷舊菜」 / Hong Kong Nostalgic Cuisine @ Regal Court - Regal Kowloon Hotel


Read in English

提起昔日香港美食您會想到什麼呢?雞蛋仔?龍鬚糖?飛機欖?有沒有想到鑊氣小炒又或者手工菜式?位於富豪九龍酒店二樓之富豪軒,就特別將香港當代的飲食文化重現饕客眼前,誠意呈獻多款懷舊美饌,與您重溫昔日香港風味。 首席中菜行政總廚曾仲康師傅以傳統手法,精心炮製一系列懷舊香港菜式。建議您先點選鳳城魚雲羹,以份量十足的魚頭,起肉後與叉燒、筍絲、鮮菇、雞蛋等材料同煮,便成一道魚香豐富的餐前湯羹。另一滋味推介是窩貼蝦多士,這菜式絕對是耳熟能詳的懷舊美食,炸至金黃的多士配合肥美鮮嫩的大蝦,香脆爽口。江南百花雞是一道工序繁複的手工菜,釀入了蝦膠的雞肉以溫油慢慢浸煮至熟透,色澤金黃,鮮嫩可口。蝦子柚皮炆花膠也是不容錯過之選,柚皮的味道和花膠非常配合,兩者炆得軟腍又鮮味,最後灑上蝦子,為這菜式添上一份貴氣。大良炒鮮奶最考大廚功架,火候要控制得宜,奶漿才會嫩滑;先將鍋子燒紅,再放入混合了金華火腿粒、蟹肉、鮮奶及欖仁的蛋漿略炒,美味可口。雞蛋焗魚腸是另一道特色經典的手工菜,原因是清洗魚腸的程序需時,但吃起來層次豐富、甘香滋味,卻叫人難忘。骨香石斑球為兩食菜式,酥香鬆脆的炸魚骨配以鮮菇韮皇炒斑球,讓您嘗盡全條魚的鮮味。 富豪軒之「香港懷舊菜」推廣期至2017年6月30日,食客實在不容錯過。 「香港懷舊菜」菜式
蝦子柚皮炆花膠 港幣538元
骨香石斑球 港幣498元
江南百花雞 港幣458元
紅扣百子鴨 (須兩天前預訂) 港幣458元
鳳城魚雲羹 (例) 港幣268元
茘芋香酥蟹盒 港幣238元
雞汁冬菇炆魚肚 港幣238元
古法鹽焗雞 (半隻) 港幣198元
窩貼蝦多士 港幣188元
雞蛋焗魚腸 港幣188元
大良炒鮮奶 港幣188元
煎封釀豆腐 港幣168元
*價目須另加一服務費 Regal Court Regal Kowloon Hotel 富豪軒 - 富豪九龍酒店 - OKiBook Hong Kong - Restaurants, Buffet, Booking, Reviews Deals, Discounts, Dining Promotions 香港,餐廳及預訂,自助餐, 評價,折扣,優惠, 餐飲促銷

Bringing back the taste of Old Hong Kong delights, Regal Court of Regal Kowloon Hotel is presenting Hong Kong Nostalgic Cuisine to refresh your memories of yesteryear.

Our Chief Executive Chinese Chef Tsang Chung Hong recommends you to start the meal with the Braised Fish Head Soup with Barbecued Pork and Conpoy, which uses fresh fish head, barbecued pork, bamboo shoot, mushroom and egg to concoct a tasty selection. Prawn Toast Dumplings is a classic choice of old Hong Kong delights. Both crispy toast and fresh prawn can bring you double enjoyment in taste. For Deep-fried Crispy Chicken Stuffed with Shrimp Paste, the chicken and shrimp paste are deep-fried together to exude flavoursome aroma that is irresistible! Braised Pomelo Skin and Fish Maw with Dried Shrimp Roe is truly a luxurious treat to whet your appetite. The pomelo skin copes well with fish maw and is further adorned with the dried shrimp roe. Sautéed Fresh Milk with Seafood is a signature pick to showcase the cooking skills of our talented chef as the silky milk must be meticulously cooked to create mouth-lingering delight. Baked Fish Intestine with Egg is a not-to-be-missed traditional dish that requires complicated handling procedure. You will be surprised by its exceptional savour after the first bite. Stir-fried Grouper Fillet and Deep-fried Bone are presented in two different cooking styles to let you taste the freshness of the whole fish.

Hong Kong Nostalgic Cuisine is available till June 30, 2017. Don’t miss the chance to relive the early days of the territory where we grew up!

Hong Kong Nostalgic Cuisine Menu
Braised Pomelo Skin and Fish Maw with Dried Shrimp Roe HK$538
Stir-fried Grouper Fillet and Deep-fried Bone HK$498
Deep-fried Crispy Chicken Stuffed with Shrimp Paste HK$458
Braised Whole Duck Stuffed with Lotus Seeds, Lily Bulbs, Chestnuts and Salty Egg Yolk (2 days advance reservation is required) HK$458
Braised Fish Head Soup with Barbecued Pork and Conpoy (Regular) HK$268
Deep-fried Stuffed Crab Meat with Mashed Taro HK$238
Braised Chinese Mushrooms and Fish Maw with Chicken Sauce HK$238
Salt-baked Chicken in Old Style (Half Bird) HK$198
Prawn Toast Dumplings HK$188
Baked Fish Intestine with Egg HK$188
Sautéed Fresh Milk with Seafood HK$188
Pan-fried Stuffed Bean Curd with Minced Pork HK$168
*Prices are subject to 10% service charge OKiBook Hong Kong - Restaurant & Buffet Booking Reviews Discounts Promotions - OKiBook香港,餐廳及自助餐預訂, 評價,折扣,優惠
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