星期一至四:HK$668成人 / HK$398小童
星期五至日:HK$718成人 / HK$428小童
意猶未盡,品嚐從印度洋毗鄰法國小島French Reunion Island引入的熱帶風情水果,以熱情果、菠蘿、手指檸檬等巧製的法式甜點,沉醉於充滿異國風情浪漫氣氛。
- 冰鎮波士頓龍蝦
- 即開生蠔
- 火炙Omaha牛肉壽司
熱選菜式 ﹝定期更新﹞
- 阿拉斯加蟹腳粥
- Omaha牛肉他他多士
- 烤牛腩排伴自選特式芥末醬﹝朱古力、士多啤梨、松露及香草芥末﹞
- 阿拉斯加三文魚籽配香葱、碎蛋、酸忌廉及小圓餅
- 即點即煮﹝蒸或炒﹞阿拉斯加海產:
- 美式士多啤梨焗火焰雪山
- 大黃蘋果甘寶撻
- 法式手指香檬撻
- 法國菠蘿忌廉千層
- 法式熱情果奶凍
Embrace hot summer months with a mouth-watering buffet of jet-fresh seafood from ice-cold Alaskan waters introducing a choice of crabs cooked to your liking, Alaskan cod and unlimited salmon roe on ice with blinis. Switch from surf to turf at any time with sizzling seared beef sushi and US Omaha-bred beef steaks with creative mustards – chocolate, truffle, you name it!
Available from 1 Jul – 31 Aug, from 6:30pm till 10pm. Mon – Thu: HK$668 (Adult) HK$398 (Child; 3-11 years) Fri – Sun: HK$718 (Adult) HK$428 (Child; 3-11 years)
All prices are subject to a 10% service charge.
Summer at Yamm sizzles with prime cuts of grain-fed beef from America’s famous corn belt in Nebraska – the Omaha stockyards – which back in in 1950’s grew to be the world’s largest meat producing centres. The creative range of dishes made with flavorful beef from sushi to steaks is complete with glorious seafood from the pristine Alaskan waters including oceanic delights cooked to perfection in any style you want at the theatrical live cooking stations.
Wrap up the indulgence with unlimited exotic desserts featuring tropical from the French Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean, including sweet and fragrant, premium Victoria pineapple and more!
Chef’s Picks:
- Steamed Boston Lobster
- Freshly Shucked Oysters
- Seared Omaha Beef Sushi
HOT DISHES (rotating):
- Alaskan Crab Leg Congee
- Omaha Beef Tatar on Toast
- Roasted Omaha Flank Steak with a choice of Mustards (Chocolate, Strawberry, Truffle, Pesto Mustard)
- Alaskan Salmon Roe on Ice with Spring Onion, Finely Chopped Eggs, Sour Cream, and Blinis
- Cooked to order (steamed / pan-fried) Alaskan Seafood: Alaskan King Crab Leg, Alaskan Dungeness Crab, Alaskan Snow Crab, Alaskan Prawns, Alaskan Greenland Halibut Fillet, Alaskan Flounder Fillet, Alaskan Haddock Fillet
- American Strawberry Chilled “Baked Alaska”
- Rhubarb & Apple Crumble Tart
- Reunion Island Finger Lime Tart
- Reunion Island Victoria Pineapple Trifle
- Reunion Island Passion Fruit Panna Cotta
Plus, every dinner buffet spread at Yamm features a choice of pan-Asian hot dishes prepared at our live cooking stations, international cheese & cold cuts and divine desserts!