今個夏天,一起來萬麗咖啡室享用惹味的週末澳洲風味燒烤美食吧! 愛肉者可放縱地品嚐多款澳洲出產的頂級肉類及魚類,包括袋鼠肉、西冷草飼牛及鱷魚等,再 加上滋味的鮮嫩生蠔、蒸焗龍蝦及新鮮魚生,必定令您捧腹而回!
澳洲式燒烤是當地相當重要的地道飲食文化,澳洲人喜愛在假日舉辦燒烤派對,與親朋戚友共 享美食。大家也不妨親身於週末到萬麗咖啡室來一趟特色美食之旅,嚐盡原汁原味的即烤澳洲 美食。
要細味澳洲原始風味,又怎少得他們的美食瑰寶烤袋鼠肉及鱷魚柳? 當地人喜愛以燒烤烹調富 蛋白質但油脂較少的袋鼠肉,烤過後表面焦香,入口鬆軟,肉味香濃。而與別不同的鱷魚柳肉 厚而嫩滑,味道介乎雞肉與魚肉之間,別有一番滋味。
愛好烤肉者必定會喜愛來自昆士蘭的草飼西冷牛扒及牛柳。烤得剛好的牛肉外層焦香可口,內 裡則軟腍多汁,滋味無窮。而來自澳洲西部的烤頂級 WAMMCO 羊架定會令您食指大動,採 用的放養羊味濃而肉質柔嫩。喜愛海洋風味的食客可品嚐塔斯曼尼亞三文魚,烤過後散發誘人 的油香,味道豐郁。另一款澳洲特產盲槽十分鮮美,油份豐富而肉質彈牙,讓人難以抗拒。而 多款自家調製的燒烤汁、青胡椒醬、芥末籽醬及紅酒醬汁等,亦能讓你配搭喜愛的口味。
萬麗咖啡室亦會呈獻多款澳洲紅、白酒及啤酒,讓食客以地道美酒配佳餚。Cabernet Sauvignon, St. Hugo, Coonawarra, Australia 2010(每瓶港幣$ 980) 中黑莓、橡木及香料的 香氣互相平衡,而酸度高能中和油份,襯托濃味的烤肉非常適合。Chardonnay, M3 Shaw &
Smith, Adelaide Hills, Australia 2014(每瓶港幣$ 800)充滿核果香,口感幼滑而帶奶油香,能 帶出魚的鮮甜。而清爽易入口的 Pure Blonde (Ultra Low Carb Lager) (每瓶港幣$ 75)則是特 別為愛好啤的朋友酒迷而設的!
除了以上澳洲美食,當然少不了其他國際美饌及海鮮。食客可盡情品嚐時令生蠔及招牌蒸焗波 士頓龍蝦,另外還有令人垂涎欲滴的刺身、壽司及精緻甜品任君選擇。
澳洲風味燒烤自助晚餐由現在起至 10 月 31 日內逢星期五、六、日,晚上 6 時 30 分至 10 時供 應,成人每位港幣$ 628,小童每位港幣$ 388。包括無限添飲果汁及汽水。澳洲燒烤美食將輪 流供應。晚市消費滿港幣$ 1,000 或以上,更可享 2 小時免費泊車優惠!
7 月至 8 月美食驚喜源源不絕! 想享受一頓輕快而豐富的午餐嗎? 萬麗咖啡室呈獻全新健怡自助 午餐,一系列前菜、清新沙律及餐湯任君選擇,您還可在即叫即製的麵檔自選喜愛的食材配搭 口味! 記得不要錯過精心製作的誘人甜品! 健怡自助午餐每位港幣$ 180。另外,若您自備美酒 享用自助餐,亦可享 7 月至 8 月限定的免開瓶費優惠!

Kick off the summer grilling season at Café Renaissance with sizzling grilled Aussie specialties! Meat lovers can dive into the ultimate indulgence of Australian top-notch meats and fish. Don’t miss our succulent seasonal oysters, steamed live lobster and fresh sashimi!
Australian barbecue is a big cultural tradition and Aussies always love throwing grilling parties with friends and family over the holidays. Let’s indulge in the sumptuous Aussie grill during weekends at Café Renaissance this summer.
Explore indigenous Australian tastes with Grilled Kangaroo Loin and Crocodile Fillet, both of which are widely regarded as local gastronomic treasures. Grilling is a popular way to enjoy the delightful and full-flavoured kangaroo loin given its lean texture with high protein and low fat. The unusual crocodile fillet has an exotic taste between chicken and fish with a tender texture and savoury flavour.
The Queensland Stockyard Grass-fed Beef Sirloin and Ribeye are meat lovers’ all-time favourites on the blazing grill. The perfectly grilled beef with a crispy outside and juicy, meaty inside will surely whet your appetite. The premium quality Western Australian Wammco Lamb is a free-range lamb rack that is irresistibly flavoursome and tender. Looking for some oceanic tastes? Savour the delicate Tasmanian Salmon which is seared on the hot grill, bringing out the rich and juicy flavours. The indigenous Barramundi with a buttery flavour and meaty texture is simply enticing to everyone, even non-fish lovers. Various homemade sauces including barbeque sauce, green peppercorn sauce, pommery mustard and red wine sauce are also ready for you to pair with your favourite grilled delicacies!
meats. The stone fruit notes and creamy texture in Chardonnay, M3 Shaw & Smith, Adelaide Hills, Australia 2014 (HK$ 800 per bottle) goes well with fish and brings out the umami flavours. The refreshing and easy-drinking Pure Blonde (Ultra Low Carb Lager) (HK$ 75 per bottle) is also a special choice for beer lovers!
Apart from the grilled creations, you can also enjoy an array of international delicacies and fresh seafood. Don’t miss the seasonal oysters and our signature steamed live Boston lobsters! Delightful sashimi, sushi and sweet treats will also be served to tickle your taste buds.
The Aussie Grill Dinner Buffet will be available every Friday, Saturday and Sunday from now til 31 October 2017, from 6:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. The buffet is priced at HK$ 628 per adult and HK$ 388 per child with a free flow of orange juices and soft drinks. The Aussie grilled delicacies will be served on rotation. Enjoy 2-hour complimentary parking with the consumption of HK $1,000 or above for dinner.
There are more surprises to come in July and August! Looking for a delightful lunch with an array of options to recharge yourself? Café Renaissance presents a new light lunch buffet with appetizers, refreshing salad, soups and a scrumptious noodle station with your choice of condiments. Don’t miss out on our mouthwatering desserts to satisfy your sweet tooth! The light lunch buffet is priced at HK$ 180 per person. You can also bring your own wine to enjoy the exclusive free corkage offer in July and August!