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海洋與森林下午茶之旅 / "Ocean & Forest" Afternoon-tea @ Mirage - Renaissance Harbour View Hotel

海洋與森林下午茶之旅 / "Ocean & Forest" Afternoon-tea @ Mirage - Renaissance Harbour View Hotel


Read in English

香港萬麗海景酒店歡迎新任糕餅部總廚霍耀文師傅(Roger)加入本 酒店。他將首次於 Mirage Bar & Restaurant 聯乘總廚 Owen Panzica 推出全新海洋與森林 下午茶,引領大家一同享受一趟趣意的下午茶之旅。

Roger 擁有逾 10 年糕餅製作經驗,曾於多間酒店工作。他熱衷於挑戰自己,並於多項國際比 賽中屢獲殊榮。Roger 在 2015 年代表香港到巴黎參與世界朱古力大師賽 (World Chocolate Masters) 總決賽,成功地成為首位晉身此比賽最後 10 強的香港人,最終獲得第 6 名的佳績。 他認為製作糕餅的秘訣是願意付出時間不斷改良食譜,而且要持續創新,才能製作出令人眼前 一亮的甜品。現在食客也可於 Mirage Bar & Restaurant 享受味覺及視覺兼備的甜美盛宴!


於 Mirage 細味以大自然作靈感來源的下午茶,您可品嚐由廚師團隊精心製作多款蘊含清新海 洋風及原野森林概念的精緻鹹點及甜品。

Roger 以森林為主題,別具心思地創作了六款賞心悅目的甜點。紋理如雲石一樣的大溪地雲尼 拿慕絲口感細滑,混合了莓果令味道更豐富,並置於富牛油香的法式酥餅上。糖漬櫻桃配白巧 克力慕絲酸甜交融,為櫻桃換上新妝。可可豆結合了 70%松露朱古力及鹹焦糖醬,味道濃郁。 外型酷似蘑菇的陳年威士忌朱古力忌廉入口即融,與底層的鬆脆朱古力餅形成滋味配搭。核桃 千層酥以焦糖鬆餅加入香濃綿滑的核桃吉士醬餡料而製成,充滿核桃香氣。萬麗芝士蛋糕配酸 忌廉則保存了經典口味,為您的森林旅程添上完滿句號。

總廚 Owen 創作以海洋為主題的鹹點,大部份都以海鮮入饌,包括 Mirage 的經典日本黃魽魚 配氈酒西瓜、青瓜及柚子;加利西亞風味八爪魚配薯仔、毛豆、大蒜蛋黃醬,及醃冰島鮭魚三 文治配辣椒、檸檬草、青檸、牛油果及土耳其麵包,每一口都令您感受到海洋氣息。在您的鹹 點旅程完成前,別忘了試試獨特的脆皮燒肉包配豆苗及蛋黃醬,將令您食指大動!

沒有英式鬆餅的下午茶是不完滿的。最後當然要試自家制的英式鬆餅及朱古力鬆餅,佐以奶油 忌廉、紅桑子果醬及柑橘醬一同享用,再喝一杯即席沖泡的咖啡或茶,為這趟下午茶之旅劃上 完美句號。

海洋與森林下午茶將於 2017 年 8 月 1 日起,每日下午 3 時至 6 時供應,價錢每位港幣 $138。 多款精緻單點甜品亮相

準備好您的相機沒有? Roger 亦於 Mirage 帶來了五款煥然一新的單點甜品,讓食客甜入心扉。

喜愛仲夏滋味的食客絕不能錯過賣相吸引的柚子。這道甜品以白朱古力忌廉裹著糖漬檸檬、柚 子及柚子忌廉,份外清新甘甜。而於底層的斑蘭蛋糕更為柚子增添了一抹亞洲色彩。士多啤梨、 羅勒、雲尼拿奶凍味道清新,且不含麩質。奶凍上的燴士多啤梨碎冰及輕盈的羅勒泡沫在口中 綻放出芳香,與奶凍的味道十分配合。

充滿玩味的焦糖芭菲及橘子啫喱甜漢堡看起來與普通漢堡無異,仔細看才會發現兩塊芝麻泡芙 夾著的不是漢堡扒和芝士,而是加入了爆炸糖的焦糖芭菲及橘子啫喱! 配上炸番薯條及鹹焦糖 醬更令人難以抗拒。濃郁的比利時軟心朱古力配核桃脆餅及可可雪糕是朱古力迷的首選。而馬 斯卡邦尼芝士千層酥配黑加侖子雪糕散發夏日果香,味道恰到好處。

所有單點甜品於星期一至五下午 3 時至晚上 12 時、週末及公眾假期下午 12 時至晚上 12 時供 應。每款甜品價錢為港幣 $88。


Book Mirage Bar & Restaurant - Renaissance Harbour View - 香港萬麗海景酒店OKiBook Hong Kong - Restaurants, Buffet, Booking, Reviews Deals, Discounts, Dining Promotions 香港,餐廳及預訂,自助餐, 評價,折扣,優惠, 餐飲促銷

Renaissance Harbour View Hotel Hong Kong introduces our new Pastry Chef Roger Fok and debuts a brand new “Ocean & Forest” afternoon tea co-created with Owen Panzica, the Chef of Mirage Bar & Restaurant to indulge you in an intriguing sweet and savoury journey.

With over 10 years of pastry experience from renowned hotels, Roger loves taking challenges and has received numerous international accolades. He represented Hong Kong to join the World Chocolate Masters 2015 final in Paris and was the first chef from Hong Kong to enter the top 10 and ranked the 5th runner up. Roger believes that creativity and dedication are the keys to success. Discerning diners can now enjoy a sweet seduction that satisfies both your eyes and palate by Chef Roger at Mirage!

Explore an Unusual Ocean & Forest Afternoon Tea

Savour a new nature-inspired afternoon tea to satisfy your sweet tooth at Mirage. You can embrace the breeze of the ocean and relax at the rustic forest by enjoying a selection of dainty savouries and sweets crafted by our Chefs.

Roger designs six stunning sweet morsels representing the Forest. The silky-smooth Tahiti vanilla mousse in Vanilla Rock is pleasantly mixed with berries and plated on a buttery sablé breton. The sweet and sour Cherry enlivens the taste buds with the cherry confit filled with white chocolate mousse, which gives “Cherry” a new twist. The Cocoa Bean features the rich flavour of 70% dark chocolate truffle with a touch of salted caramel. The mushroom-shaped aged Whisky Ganache brings a tantalizing contrast of melt-in-the-mouth ganache and crispy chocolate. Walnut Mille-Feuille is composed of enticing walnut custard sandwiched between caramelized puff pastry with aromatic walnut flavour. Renaissance Cheesecake topped with sour cream presents a classic touch to end your forest journey.

Chef Owen creates Ocean-themed savouries that are made with seafood, including Mirage’s signature Japanese Kingfish with Gin-infused Watermelon, Yuzu and Cucumber, Galician Octopus with Boiled Potatoes, Garlic Aioli and Edamame, and Cured Icelandic Salmon Sandwich with Chili, Lemongrass, Lime, Avocado on Turkish Bread. You can feel the breeze from the ocean by savouring these seafood delicacies. Don't miss the intriguing Piggy Bao with Roasted Pork Belly, Sriracha Mayo and Pea Sprouts to finish your savoury experience. No afternoon tea is complete without freshly baked scones. Try our homemade Plain Scone and Chocolate Scone with clotted cream, raspberry jam and orange Marmalade to round off your afternoon tea, along with your choice of freshly brewed coffee or tea. The Ocean & Forest Afternoon Tea is available from 1 August 2017, from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. daily and priced at HK$ 138 per person. Delightful À La Carte Sweet Treats Got your camera ready? Chef Roger has also crafted five delightful à la carte desserts to wow your sweet palate at Mirage. For a summery dessert, try the YUZU, which is crafted like a yuzu, with lemon, yuzu confit and yuzu curd wrapped by whipped ivory ganache that doubles up the fruity flavour. The pandan sponge also adds a touch of Asian flavour to the YUZU. Freshen up your palate with a bite of gluten-free Strawberry, Vanilla, Basil. The strawberry granita, airy basil foam and poached strawberries above the vanilla panna cotta fill your mouth with refreshing strawberry flavours that balance well with the panna cotta. The playful Sweetie burger is made with an intriguing combination of the caramel parfait with explosive candy imitating a meat patty and the mandarin jello imitating cheese! It is a great match with indulgent sweet potato fries with salty caramel sauce. The rich Cho, Choco, Chocolate is a chocoholic option with Belgium chocolate truffle, cocoa ice cream, walnut crunch, and praline sponge. The hearty Mille Feuilles with caramelized puff pastry, mascarpone custard and black currant ice cream is simply delicious! All à la carte desserts are available daily from 3 p.m. to 12 a.m. on weekdays and from 12 p.m. to 12 a.m. on weekends and public holidays, priced at HK$ 88 each.

Let’s sit back and enjoy the delectable treats in this urban oasis!

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