滋味烘焙套餐包括4件烘焙及兩杯illy咖啡或Twinings茶。顧客可選擇4件英式鬆餅或1件英式鬆餅配3件其他烘焙,包括丹麥酥 (士多啤梨、朱古力、蘋果、紅莓等)、牛角酥 (牛油、朱古力、藍莓、提子乾等)或鬆餅。烘焙口味繁多,每天輪流供應不同款式。伴隨烘焙的還有忌廉及士多啤梨果醬,讓美食更添滋味。

Pastry time with buddy and bestie! Tiffany Lounge provides a comfortable venue for light snacks. The lounge is now presenting Pastry Set with Danish, croissant, scone and muffin for a graceful relaxation.
The pastry set includes four pieces of pastries and two cups of illy coffee or Twinings tea. Guests can choose four scones for the set or choose one scone with three different kinds of pastries for enjoyment. Various pastries are including Danish (strawberry, chocolate, apple, raspberry, etc), croissant (butter, chocolate, blueberry, raisin, etc) and muffin. Pastry flavour will be changed daily to delight guests.
Tiffany Lounge highlights the classical grandeur of the Hotel's lobby. The lounge also serves guests a quality afternoon tea with Twinings tea, which soothe one’s mind in the bustling district.
Pastry Set
Serving Time: Daily 10:00 am to 8:00 pm
Prices: $168, price is subject to 10% service charge