食自助餐的頭盤之選莫過於生蠔,當生蠔變成主角,就更加不可以錯過!香港金域假日酒店Bistro on the Mile咖啡廳特別為一眾生蠔迷每逢週五及週六推出全新以生蠔為主題的自助餐,各位生蠔迷一定可以食到捧住個肚走,推介菜式有香脆可口的煎蠔多士、蠔肉凍湯、八瓜魚蠔肉沙律、砵酒焗蠔、蠔仔粥、香煎煙蠔肉巻、烟肉莧菜焗蠔、烟肉芝士白汁焗蠔、炸蠔天婦羅、香煎蠔餅、蜜汁煎蠔等各式各樣的菜式,務求令生蠔迷大快朵頤。
除了以上生蠔主題外,Bistro on the Mile每天都會為你帶來不同主題的滋味海鮮自助餐,包括星期一的加拿大帶子、星期二的美國生蠔、星期三的澳洲海蔘、星期四的越南大虎蝦及星期日的愛爾蘭蟹,日日新鮮為您獻上,讓你體驗截然不同的餐飲享受。而自助晚餐每天除了供應主題菜式外,更有扒海鮮、新鮮生蠔、凍龍蝦仔、凍蝦、凍藍青口、日本長腳蟹、香煎蜜汁鴨肝、老干媽炒釀蟹蓋、泰式炸蝦餅、紅粉燒汁燴牛肉、金不換胡椒炒龍蝦鉗、松子石斑、泰式燒雞、香煎羊扒、乳豬、天婦羅蝦及中式老火湯等美食。壓軸甜品更是數不完,源源不絕供應的Haagen Dazs雪糕、意大利芝士蛋糕、燕窩葡撻、麵包布丁、朱古力忌廉卷、焗蘋果牛油脆粒芝士蛋糕、芒果拿破崙及紅豆綠茶餅等。

Are you craving for seafood? Do not miss this opportunity to experience Holiday Inn Golden Mile's Bistro on the Mile 7-day seafood buffet. Each day of the week you can enjoy a different seafood theme to mix up your tastebuds and get a taste of different cultures as you feast on a variety of your favorite types of seafood. You especially do not want to miss Friday and Saturday when our chefs will craft flavourful Oyster dishes from around the world such as, Oyster bruschetta, Oyster gazpacho shooters, Oyster and octopus salad, Braised Oysters in Port Wine, Baby oyster congee, Oyster and bacon roll, Oysters with Bacon and Spinach, Baked oyster with cheese, Oyster tempura, Pan-fried oyster pancake, Honey glazed oyster and Oyster fritter. Each guest will receive a free Jumbo Pacific Rock Oyster.