除了傳統原汁原味的清蒸方式外,大閘蟹粉亦可配搭其他食材一起烹調,誘發更高層次的蟹鮮。龍苑特別推介「生拆蟹粉燕窩羮」、滋味香口的「金沙大閘蟹」 、「碧綠蟹皇醬大蝦球」、鮮味爽滑的「蟹粉珊瑚龍躉球」、「蟹粉百花煙肉卷」、美味可口的「芙蓉炒蟹粉」、「蟹粉玉子豆腐」、「生拆蟹粉燕窩羹」、「桂花炒蟹粉」,當然還有百吃不厭的「生拆蟹粉小籠包」。款款蟹粉美餚香口又有濃郁蟹香,叫人味蕾震奮,絲絲回味。此外,更推出六道菜式大閘蟹優惠套餐,現一天前預訂此套餐(最少預訂兩位),便可用優恵價每位448元(原價748元),享用美味的「生拆蟹粉小籠包」、「蟹肉雞茸燕窩羹」、「紫蘇蒸大閘蟹」、「花雕蛋白蒸蝦球」、「蟹皇醬吉列龍躉塊」、「香檳汁海皇蟹粉焗飯」及「黑糖薑茶湯丸」。而每位另加100元更可任飲紅、白餐酒及十年黃酒。

The arrival of autumn brings with it the opportunity to savour some delicious seasonal seafood, namely the highly sought-after freshwater delicacy - hairy crabs! For a true epicurean experience, head over to the award-winning Loong Yuen Cantonese Restaurant at Holiday Inn Golden Mile from 9th October until 30th November.
Widely considered to be the "King of crabs", these succulent crustaceans are revered for their rich, golden creamy roe and flavourful white meat. Loong Yuen's Head Chef Wai Bun Cheung highlights the delicate, sweet flavours of this gastronomic treasure in a specially prepared a menu for the crab lovers includes Steamed Hairy Crab, Deep-fried Hairy Crab with Salted Egg Yolks, Braised Bird’s Nest Soup with Hairy Crab Roe, Sautéed King Prawns and Vegetables with Hairy Crab Roe, Sautéed Giant Garoupa Fillet topped with Hairy Crab Roe, Shrimp Paste wrapped in Bacon with Hairy Crab Roe and Steamed stuffed Shanghainese Pork Dumplings with Hairy Crab Roe.
Those with a refined palate are sure to enjoy other chef suggestions set menu including Braised Bird Best’s Soup with Minced Chicken and Crab Meat, Steamed Shanghai Pork Dumplings stuffed with Hairy Crab Roe, Steamed Whole Hairy Crab with Perilla Leaf, Steamed Prawn with Egg White and Chinese Wine, Deep-fried Garoupa with Crab Paste, Baked Rice with Assorted Seafood and Crab Roe in Champagne sauce, as well as Sweetened Ginger Tea with Glutinous Dumplings. This special 6-course dinner menu is priced at $748* per person. Book one day in advance to pay at a special price of HK$448* per person (minimum 2 persons).