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多謝您使用 OKiBook!由於我們的會員計劃將做出升級調整,OKiBook Club 會員優惠碼將於 2024 年 10 月 1 日 起暫停服務直至另行通知。

於會員優惠碼暫停服務期間,已登記的 OKiBook Club 會員將仍可通過我們的訂座平台 及 網上商店 累積會員積分,積分有效期將暫不設到期日,直至另行通知。OKiBook Club 會員於 2024 年 10 月 1 日 前仍可將積分兌換成優惠碼,並於 作購物用途。新會員計劃的推出日期及時間,因應實際系統升級安排另行通知。不便之處,敬請見諒。如有查詢,請聯絡 OKiBook 客戶服務部電郵 [email protected],我們將於辦公時間內回覆。

Thank you for using OKiBook! We would like to inform you that our membership program will undergo an upgrade adjustment. As a result, the OKiBook Club membership discount code service will be temporarily suspended starting from 1 October, 2024, until further notice.

During the period of suspension of the membership discount code service, registered OKiBook Club members will still be able to accumulate membership points through our booking platform at and our online store at The validity period of the points will be extended until further notice. OKiBook Club members can continue to redeem points for discount codes and use them for shopping at until 1 October, 2024.

The announcement date and time of the new membership plan will be notified separately based on the actual system upgrade arrangements. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have any inquiries, please contact OKiBook Customer Service at [email protected], and we will respond during office hours.

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Date: ${points.created_at_long}
Points converted: ${points.title_ch} #${points.voucher_id}${points.reservation_id}${points.discount_code}
Date: ${points.created_at_long}
${Intl.NumberFormat().format(points.value)} points
${status_en[points.status_text]} ${status_ch[points.status_text]}
${Intl.NumberFormat().format(points.value)} points
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多謝您使用 OKiBook!由於我們的會員計劃將做出升級調整,OKiBook Club 會員優惠碼將於 2024 年 10 月 1 日 起暫停服務直至另行通知。

於會員優惠碼暫停服務期間,已登記的 OKiBook Club 會員將仍可通過我們的訂座平台 及 網上商店 累積會員積分,積分有效期將暫不設到期日,直至另行通知。OKiBook Club 會員於 2024 年 10 月 1 日 前仍可將積分兌換成優惠碼,並於 作購物用途。新會員計劃的推出日期及時間,因應實際系統升級安排另行通知。不便之處,敬請見諒。如有查詢,請聯絡 OKiBook 客戶服務部電郵 [email protected],我們將於辦公時間內回覆。

Thank you for using OKiBook! We would like to inform you that our membership program will undergo an upgrade adjustment. As a result, the OKiBook Club membership discount code service will be temporarily suspended starting from 1 October, 2024, until further notice.

During the period of suspension of the membership discount code service, registered OKiBook Club members will still be able to accumulate membership points through our booking platform at and our online store at The validity period of the points will be extended until further notice. OKiBook Club members can continue to redeem points for discount codes and use them for shopping at until 1 October, 2024.

The announcement date and time of the new membership plan will be notified separately based on the actual system upgrade arrangements. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have any inquiries, please contact OKiBook Customer Service at [email protected], and we will respond during office hours.

My Rewards
Balance: ${Intl.NumberFormat().format(} points
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Issue date: ${codes.created_date_long}
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Points converted: ${points.title_en} #${points.voucher_id}${points.reservation_id}${points.discount_code}
Date: ${points.created_at_long}
Points converted: ${points.title_ch} #${points.voucher_id}${points.reservation_id}${points.discount_code}
Date: ${points.created_at_long}
${Intl.NumberFormat().format(points.value)} points
${status_en[points.status_text]} ${status_ch[points.status_text]}
${Intl.NumberFormat().format(points.value)} points
Balance: ${Intl.NumberFormat().format(} points
Points balance: ${Intl.NumberFormat().format(} points See History
Points earned: ${Intl.NumberFormat().format(} points
Points used: ${Intl.NumberFormat().format(} points
Rewards to redeem: ${Intl.NumberFormat().format(}
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${Intl.NumberFormat().format(points.value - points.used)} points
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Get 1 point for every HK$1 you spend
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Get 300 points for every paying guest attending
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Balance: ${Intl.NumberFormat().format(} points

多謝您使用 OKiBook!由於我們的會員計劃將做出升級調整,OKiBook Club 會員優惠碼將於 2024 年 10 月 1 日 起暫停服務直至另行通知。

於會員優惠碼暫停服務期間,已登記的 OKiBook Club 會員將仍可通過我們的訂座平台 及 網上商店 累積會員積分,積分有效期將暫不設到期日,直至另行通知。OKiBook Club 會員於 2024 年 10 月 1 日 前仍可將積分兌換成優惠碼,並於 作購物用途。新會員計劃的推出日期及時間,因應實際系統升級安排另行通知。不便之處,敬請見諒。如有查詢,請聯絡 OKiBook 客戶服務部電郵 [email protected],我們將於辦公時間內回覆。

Thank you for using OKiBook! We would like to inform you that our membership program will undergo an upgrade adjustment. As a result, the OKiBook Club membership discount code service will be temporarily suspended starting from 1 October, 2024, until further notice.

During the period of suspension of the membership discount code service, registered OKiBook Club members will still be able to accumulate membership points through our booking platform at and our online store at The validity period of the points will be extended until further notice. OKiBook Club members can continue to redeem points for discount codes and use them for shopping at until 1 October, 2024.

The announcement date and time of the new membership plan will be notified separately based on the actual system upgrade arrangements. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have any inquiries, please contact OKiBook Customer Service at [email protected], and we will respond during office hours.

My Rewards
Balance: ${Intl.NumberFormat().format(} points
No rewards
Issue date: ${codes.created_date_long}
Expiry date: ${codes.expiry_date_long}
Used at: ${codes.redeemed_at_long} Expiry date: ${codes.expiry_date_long}
You have not redeened any rewards yet..
Visit the Use Points page.
Points Activities History
Balance: ${Intl.NumberFormat().format(} points
Earned/ Withdrawn
No records
Points converted: ${points.title_en} #${points.voucher_id}${points.reservation_id}${points.discount_code}
Date: ${points.created_at_long}
Points converted: ${points.title_ch} #${points.voucher_id}${points.reservation_id}${points.discount_code}
Date: ${points.created_at_long}
${Intl.NumberFormat().format(points.value)} points
${status_en[points.status_text]} ${status_ch[points.status_text]}
${Intl.NumberFormat().format(points.value)} points
Bistro on the Mile呈獻滋味海鮮自助餐七重奏 / Sensational Seafood Buffet @ Holiday Inn Golden Mile

Bistro on the Mile呈獻滋味海鮮自助餐七重奏 / Sensational Seafood Buffet @ Holiday Inn Golden Mile


Read in English

位於香港金域假日酒店一樓的Bistro on the Mile咖啡廳為你提供早、午、下午茶、晚、宵夜自助餐,是享受一頓寫意自在餐宴的城中熱點。而餐廳更為你帶來一星期七款不同主題的滋味海鮮自助午及晚餐,款款海鮮源源不絕輪流為您送上,包括加拿大帶子、美國生蠔、澳洲海蔘、越南大虎蝦、貝殼類海鮮、美國龍蝦及愛爾蘭蟹,日日新鮮為您獻上,讓你體驗截然不同的餐飲享受。


第一重奏 加拿大帶子 星期一,先來品嚐款款滋味的帶子蘋果沙律、帶子牛油果杯、帶子波蘿沙律、帶子青口覓菜撻、薄荷帶子青瓜沙律、帶子甜椒黑醋沙律、蒜蓉粉絲蒸扇貝、炸帶子及海鮮配燈味汁等。


第二重奏 - 豪食美國生蠔 星期二,喜歡生蠔的你,一定不要錯過蠔肉忌廉芝士甜椒卷、煙蠔雜菌沙律、蠔肉雞肉沙律、龍舌蘭酒蠔特飲、煙蠔肉配多士、炸蠔配橙味醬、蒜蓉蠔肉青口炒長通粉及焗蠔芝士汁等。而每位食客更會獲贈煙肉香草焗蠔一客。

第三重奏 - 澳洲海蔘


第四重奏 - 越南大虎蝦 星期四,則有越南大虎蝦菜式迎接Happy Friday的來臨 ! 主打凍蝦、鮮蝦釀青瓜配千島醬、鮮蝦配芒果莎莎醬、薄荷青瓜蝦沙律、鮮蝦配甜椒黑醋沙律、蝦蕃茄串標配紫蘇葉汁、大蝦天婦羅、炸椰絲蝦配芒果醬、蕃茄鮮蝦魷魚長通粉及西蘭花XO醬炒蝦球等。而每位食客更會獲贈扒越南大虎蝦一客。

第五重奏 – 貝殼類海鮮 星期五, 餐廳則預備了不同的海鮮菜式,包括有避風塘炒蟹、椒鹽蝦、鮑魚銀芽沙律、鮑魚雜菌沙律、鮮蝦釀青瓜配千島醬、鮮蝦配甜椒黑醋沙律、炸椰絲蝦配芒果醬及帶子炒西蘭花瑤柱汁等。而每位食客更會獲贈豉汁蒸子一客。

第六重奏 - 美國龍蝦 星期六,怎能少得海龍皇龍蝦 ? 菜式包括有凍波士頓龍蝦、鮮龍蝦配芒果莎莎醬、龍蝦忌簾芝士卷、龍蝦茴香沙律、雜果龍蝦沙律、龍蝦配雜豆沙律、龍蝦蘋菓啫喱、韓式龍蝦海鮮班戟及龍蝦蒸蛋等。而每位食客更會獲贈芝士焗龍蝦一客。

壓軸七重奏 – 愛爾蘭


除了以上七款滋味海鮮外,自助晚餐每天供應扒海鮮、新鮮生蠔、凍龍蝦仔、凍蝦、凍藍青口、日本長腳蟹、香煎鵝肝、香煎羊扒、北京片皮鴨、炸帶子、天婦羅蝦及中式老火湯等。壓軸甜品更是數不完,源源不絕供應的Haagen Dazs雪糕、椰子菠蘿果凍、巧克力布朗尼、香蕉批、法式蘋果撻、朱古力合桃撻、意大利芝士餅及紅豆綠茶卷等。

  Book Bistro on the Mie Holiday inn Golden Mile 金域假日酒店 OKiBook Hong Kong - Restaurants, Buffet, Booking, Reviews Deals, Discounts, Dining Promotions 香港,餐廳及預訂,自助餐, 評價,折扣,優惠, 餐飲促銷 OKiBook Early Bird Banner 2017

Enjoy a fresh bounty of seafood at the Holiday Inn Golden Mile’s popular all-day dining venue.

Bistro on the Mile has pushed the boat out and scoured the seven seas to create a sensational 7-Themed Seafood Buffet for lunch and dinner that runs seven days a week.

The buffet will feature Seafood of the Day along with Signature Dishes. Monday’s catch is tender Canadian Scallops. Steamed scallops come with glass noodle and garlic so that their flavour can be fully appreciated, Scallop summer roll with apple confit and Deep-fried scallop & seafood. Each guest will receive a free Scallop au gratin.

On Tuesday’s there’s Oyster. This favoured dish comes with Oyster with cream cheese and bell pepper roll, Tequila oyster shooters and baked oyster with bacon and herb crust. Each guest will receive a Baked oyster with bacon and herb crust. Wednesday has tasty Sea cucumber from Australia done in different ways; Sea cucumber and seafood pancake with chili and scallion, there’s also Penne pasta with sea cucumber and mussel garlic chili olive oil. Each guest will receive a Sea cucumber salad with sesame dressing. Thursday’s feature is Vietnamese King Prawns that come as a Prawn with cherry tomato skewer and pesto sauce or Deep-fried coconut prawn with mango mayonnaise. Each guest will receive a Grilled king prawn with cheese.

Friday’s belong to Shellfish that can be enjoyed Wok-fried crab with chili and garlic, Wok-fried shrimp with chilli and salt or Abalone and Japanese mushroom salad in yuzi sauce. Each guest will receive a Steamed razor clam with black bean sauce.

Saturday’s offer tasty U.S. Lobster that can be enjoyed Lobster with fruit salad, Wok-fried lobster craw with chili black bean sauce, Korean lobster & seafood pancake with chili and scallion  . Each guest will receive a Lobster thermidor.   Sunday’s to Juicy Crab from Ireland cooked in Pan-fried crab cake with crab roe cream sauce, Wok-fried crab with ginger and spring onion. Each guest will receive a Deep-fried whole soft crab.

OKiBook Hong Kong - Restaurant & Buffet Booking Reviews Discounts Promotions - OKiBook香港,餐廳及自助餐預訂, 評價,折扣,優惠 OKiBook Early Bird Banner 2017
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