今年除夕夜,讓我們帶您穿越時空回到JJ‘s,迎接新年到來。 自1989年酒店開幕起,JJ’s就一直以充滿優質美食及特色飲品成為城中派對及活動熱門場地。為慶祝今年的除夕夜,Grand Hyatt Steakhouse將把JJ’s帶酒店,並舉行別出心裁的倒數派對。 在酒店提供的琳瑯滿目的餐飲選擇中,不如先於城中最受歡迎的扒房享用一頓除夕夜晚餐,接著於JJ’s 的音樂廳中,與著名國際樂團「Night Train」及DJ一起跳出2017年。「Night Train」是來自美加的樂隊,正如其名,他們將以不同類型、領域以及節奏的音樂帶領賓客難忘的一晚。
除夕晚餐套餐 (由晚上7時起。10點前交檯) – 港幣$1,880+10% 倒數派對套餐 (由晚上10時30分開始,只限18歲或以上客人) -港幣$780 : - 包括Dom Pérignon 2006一杯 - 樂隊「Night Train」及DJ的現場演奏 尊貴倒數派對套餐 -港幣HK$2,380+10% (只限18歲或以上客人) : - 包括除夕晚市及倒數派對套餐 音樂廳訂座最低消費港幣$5,000 確認訂檯需要提前付款(不能退款),餐廳會聯絡客人收取付款。
For one night only, Grand Hyatt Steakhouse will bring back its renowned Club JJ’s to celebrate New Year’s Eve. Beginning in 1989, JJ’s was known as the city’s spot for great food, great drinks and great party entertainment. To celebrate New Year’s Eve this year, Grand Hyatt Steakhouse will bring back this acclaimed club as the venue for the hotel’s countdown party. Dance away the last of 2017 and the first few hours of 2018 in JJ’s Music Room, where thrilling music will be provided by the international band ‘Night Train’, a US-based band from Canada that lives up to its name, taking crowds on a journey through various musical genres, sounds and melodies.
New Year’s Eve packages are available with or without dinner or the countdown party: Set dinner (starting at 7:00 PM. Table returned by 10pm) HK$1,880+ Countdown Party (18 years old and over only)(starting at 10:30 PM) HK$780 nett: - One glass of Dom Pérignon 2006 - DJ and the live band ‘Night Train’ Ultimate Countdown Package HK$2,380+: - Set dinner - Countdown party (18 years old and over only) VIP tables are also available starting at HK$5,000 nett. Full pre-payment (non-refundable) required in order to confirm bookings. The restaurant will contact guests for collecting the payment.