歡欣躍動的一夜由精選美饌為您掀起序幕!惹人垂涎的佳節烤肉包括桂花蜜糖烤原隻火雞、蜜烤火腿、香烤芥末籽牛肋扒及法式焗三文魚配喜馬拉雅山岩鹽,令您目不暇給!萬勿錯過的還有源源不絕供應的即開新鮮生蠔、波士頓龍蝦、頂級刺身及海膽豆腐 。每位在場賓客更可獲得慢煮鮑魚野菌意大利飯配松露忌廉汁乙客。伴隨現場樂隊及魔術師帶來的節日氣氛,讓除夕夜更添美滿!12月31 日 | 「除夕美饌盛匯」自助晚餐
下午5時30分至晚上8時30分 [現場樂隊及幸運抽獎] 每位HK$818﹝成人﹞/ HK$418 ﹝小童﹞[早鳥優惠至12月23日] 每位HK$888﹝成人﹞/ HK$448 ﹝小童﹞ 包括餐酒、啤酒或果汁汽水乙杯 晚上9時至凌晨12時15分 [現場樂隊、魔術師及幸運抽獎] 每位HK$1,088﹝成人﹞/ HK$518﹝小童﹞[早鳥優惠至12月23日] 每位HK$1,168﹝成人﹞/ HK$558 ﹝小童﹞ 包括餐酒、啤酒或果汁乙杯;於晚上7時30分起可於Room One享用迎賓小食及飲品乙杯及於子夜時分奉送香檳乙杯 除夕夜的美饌盛匯又怎少得逾25款甜點及糕餅為您上演味蕾誘惑?令人難以抗拒、眼花繚亂的滋味包括:- 火焰抹茶法式燉蛋
- 一米長的香豆千層酥
- 百利甜酒朱古力紐約芝士蛋糕
- 抹茶白朱古力噴泉配時令士多啤梨
- 精緻朱古力甜點: – 秘魯40%白朱古力榴槤撻 – 71%有機黑朱古力伯爵茶慕絲 – 瑞士38%牛奶朱古力慕絲配莓果蜜餞 – 非洲64%黑朱古力紅酒蛋糕
1月1 日 – 元旦早午自助餐 早上11時30分至下午2時45分 | 每位HK$438﹝成人﹞/ HK$288 ﹝小童﹞ 包括無限暢飲汽酒或果汁 1月1 日 – 元旦自助晚餐 晚上6時30分至10時 | 每位HK$718﹝成人﹞/ HK$428 ﹝小童﹞ href="http://www.okibook.com/store/Yamm_the_mira_hong_kong" target="_blank" rel="noopener">

Don’t sit at home like a lonely lobster! Be invited with the whole family to a buffet celebration with extravagant entertainment, balloon drop at midnight, and a lucky draw with a pool of prizes including one-night stay at one of our Spa Suites with roll-in dinner and breakfast for 2!
Tick, Tock, Watch the Balloons Drop: New Year’s Eve Celebration
In between the live music sets and magician’s show browse through celebratory roasts of Osmanthus Honey Turkey, Honey Pineapple Glazed Ham and Mustard-Seed-Crusted Prime Rib as well as French style Baked Whole Salmon with Himalaya Salt. Help yourself to unlimited fresh oysters, Boston lobsters, premium sashimi cuts with Uni & Tofu, and receive a Slow Cooked Abalone on Wild Mushroom Risotto with Truffle Cream Sauce from the Chef, served to table!
31 Dec | New Year’s Eve Buffet Dinner Celebration
5:30pm – 8:30pm [with Live Band & Raffle] HK$818 (Adult) / HK$418 (Child) [early bird tickets until 23/12] HK$888 (Adult) / HK$448 (Child) inclusive of one glass of wine, beer or juice 9pm – 12:15am [with Live Band, Magician & Raffle] HK$1,088 (Adult) / HK$518 (Child) [early bird tickets until 23/12] HK$1,168 (Adult) / HK$558 (Child) inclusive of one glass of wine, beer or juice; a welcome cocktail at Room One from 7:30pm; and a glass of champagne at midnightNo New Year’s Eve buffet celebration could be complete without a dazzling choice of desserts. For that occasion, we have set entire café-patisserie COCO with over 25 desserts and pastries including:
- Citrus Liquor Flamed Matcha Crème Brulee
- 1-meter Tonka Bean Mille-Feuilles
- Chocolate Baileys New York Cheesecake
- Matcha White Chocolate Fountain with Seasonal Strawberries
- “Chocolate Discovery” Table: – 40% Milk Chocolate from Peru and Durian Tart – 71% Organic Dark Chocolate Mousse and Earl Grey Tea – 38% Swiss Milk Chocolate Mousse and Berries Compote – 64% African Dark Chocolate & Burgundy Red Wine Cake
New Year’s Eve Raffle
If luck is on your side on the last night of the year, you will return home with a voucher for a one-night stay at our swanky Spa Suite with a roll-in dinner and breakfast on the next day for 2 Guests, from among a pool of HK$20,000+ worth prizes to be won!

New Year Day Celebration Buffets
1 Jan 2018 – New Year’s Day Brunch Buffet 11:30am – 2:45pm | HK$438 (Adult) HK$288 (Child) with free-flowing sparkling wine / juice 1 Jan 2018 – New Year’s Day Dinner Buffet 6:30pm – 10pm | HK$718 (Adult) HK$428 (Child)