要享受到日本吃的文化,金域假日酒店的Bistro on the Mile咖啡廳,將會是你一個好選擇。由現在起至二月二十八日推出東瀛風味自助晚餐,將為您掀起一陣陣的和式風味熱潮。置身於寬敞的Bistro on the Mile內,超過四十多款的日式美食將會為您源源不絕地奉上。除了不可缺少的新鮮魚生刺身如肥美的三文魚﹑鯛魚、甜蝦、帶子外,還有炸珍寶蝦天婦羅、日式炸蝦串及特色火炙壽司如和牛、吞拿魚和帶子,豐富的日式沙律如蟹肉沙律和燒牛肉沙律等款款極具東瀛風味的小吃。更有一系列的和風熱盤如龍蝦和牛串﹑大阪燒、日式蟹肉蒸蛋、迷你鰻魚丼、日式蒜香雞扒、鹽燒鯖魚、日式炸串,於週末期間,更增設照燒魷魚筒、日式紫菜鰻魚卷、日式牛肉咖喱、凍龍蝦及薑蔥炒龍蝦等美食,必定讓您吃過痛快。
而自助晚餐每天除了供應主題菜式外,更有特式燒烤海鮮、即開新鮮生蠔、凍龍蝦仔、凍蝦、凍藍青口、日本長腳蟹、香煎蜜汁鴨肝、避風塘炒蟹、蒜蓉粉絲蒸扇貝、薑蔥焗蟹蓋、香煎羊扒、燒乳豬及中式燉湯等美食。壓軸甜品更是數不完,源源不絕供應的Haagen Dazs雪糕、班蘭蛋糕、芒果椰汁糯米飯、芒果拿破崙、北海道牛奶布甸、北海道紅豆芝士餅、芝麻紅豆卷、日式綠茶芝士蛋糕及紅豆綠茶餅等。

Are you craving Japanese food? Do not miss this opportunity to celebrate Japan’s culinary culture with a gorgeous Japanese dinner buffet at Holiday Inn Golden Mile's Bistro on the Mile from now until 28 Feb 2018.
Guests can relish a scrumptious variety of their favourite Japanese dishes such as: crab meat salad, miso soup with clam and tofu, jumbo prawn tempura, fried skewers, sashimi, sushi, Japanese savory pancake, egg custard with snow crab meat, mini eel rice, Yakitori chicken with ginger garlic, grilled salted mackerel, grilled squid with teriyaki sauce, and deep-fried seaweed eel roll. Each guest will receive a free grilled Wagyu beef and lobster skewer. There is also a choice of oceanic delights for seafood lovers. Cooked seafood delicacies incude shrimps in their shells, blue mussels, Japanese crab leg, and green whelk. Diners can also indulge in succulent fresh oysters.
Top off this feast with an array of delectable desserts featuring the Japanese green tea cheesecake, green tea red bean cake, green tea opera, Hokkaido red bean cheesecake, Hokkaido milk pudding, plus three selections of Häagen Dazs ice cream.