首席中菜行政總廚楊嘉輝師傅精挑多款傳統賀年食材,炮製出十款極具意頭及應節的新春佳餚,寓意十全十美。新春佳餚將於2018年2月16日至22日 (正月初一至初七) 供應,菜式價格由$188起。推介菜式有「金殿特色年年撈起」(三文魚撈起)。撈起源於新加坡,高舉雙筷把所有食材越撈越起,寓意風生水起;撈得越高,來年定必步步高升。「撈起」時食物散佈碟面亦有財富滿溢之意。而三文魚魚生更寓意年年有餘及生氣勃勃,是新春必吃菜式之一。另一賀年菜式「稱心如意」(黑木耳海參燒柚皮)亦是不容錯過。鬆化的柚皮口感豐富,將濃汁味道充分吸收,配合爽脆的黑木耳及矜貴且炆至入味的海參,必定讓顧客吃得稱心如意。「得心應手」(原隻南非鮑魚海參扣鵝掌),以原隻鮑魚扣鵝掌,取鵝掌寓意凡事必能得心應手,滿掌金錢,加入名貴的海參,更顯豐盛。「一本萬利」(髮菜紅燒元蹄),以別具意頭的材料作食材。髮菜寓意發財,紅燒元蹄有橫財就手的意思,寓意來年可財源滾滾來。
其他新春開運菜式包括好事齊來 (髮菜蠔豉生菜大脷)、金銀滿屋 (炸帶子拼蜜豆榆耳炒帶子)、年年有餘(鍋燒花膠龍躉脊鰭)、生意興隆 (鮮百合鮮竹扒素千層)、哈哈大笑 (夏果錦繡鮮蝦球) 及富貴生財 (生菜蜆芥雞)。每道菜式色香味俱全,別具意思,為狗年更添喜慶。
高湯海味燕液羹 或 雪棗蟲草花螺頭燉雞
三菇榆耳浸菜膽 或 松茸南乳素千層
$5,988 (十二位用)
$3,188 (六位用)
醬皇野菌海參炒鮑魚絲 或 碧綠金沙脆蝦球
高湯海味燕液羹 或 雪棗蟲草花螺頭燉雞
發財好市大利 或 松茸南乳素千層
$2,388 (四位用)

Kung Hei Fat Choi! In celebrating the year of the Dog, Regal Palace of Regal Hongkong Hotel wishes guests a prosperous year by parading out a series of auspicious Chinese delicacies. All are meticulously prepared by the Executive Chinese Chef of Regal Palace, Christopher Yeung, with a selection of superior ingredients and cooking in traditional recipes.
During Chinese New Year, people use to enjoy a feast with family to welcome and celebrate the New Year. From 16 to 22 February 2018, ten auspicious New Year delicacies will be featured to augur guests good luck, good health and good fortune in the year of Dog.
Traditional ingredients like sea moss, dried oyster, sea cucumber and fish maw are selected to immerse guests in the festivities. These dishes include Tossed Fresh Salmon with Melon and Peanut in Virgin Olive Oil and Vinegar Dressing, Braised Pomelo Peel with Sea Cucumber and Fungus, Braised Whole Abalone with Sea Cucumber and Goose Web, Braised Pork Knuckle with Sea Moss in Brown Sauce, Braised Dried Oyster and Sea Moss with Lettuce and Pork Tongue, Deep-fried Scallop and Sauteed Scallop with Snow Bean and Fungus, Braised Bean Curd Sheet with Fresh Lily Bulb, Braised Chicken with Lettuce in Clam Sauce, Sauteed Prawn Ball with Macadamia and Mixed Vegetable and Braised Giant Grouper with Fish Maw, Pork Belly and Bean Curd with Brown Sauce in Casserole. Dishes are priced at $188 up, plus 10% service charge.
Prosperity set menu featuring premium ingredients such as sea cucumber and bird’s nest is also in place at Regal Palace at $5,988 for 12 persons, $3,188 for 6 persons and $2,388 for 4 persons.
Sea Cucumber and Bird’s Nest Reunion Set Menu
Appetizer Combination *****
Sauteed Shredded Sea Cucumber and Abalone with Mixed Fungus in Home-made Sauce
Deep-fried Prawn Ball with Salty Egg Yolk
Braised Bird’s Nest Soup with Dried Seafood
Double-boiled Chicken Soup with Red Date, Cordycep Flower and Whelk
Braised Dried Oyster and Pork Tongue
Steamed Fresh Giant Grouper
Smoked Crispy Chicken with Supreme Tea Leaf
Braised Vegetable with Mushroom and Fungus
Braised Bean Curd Sheet with Matsutake
Sweetened Walnut Cream with Dumpling
$5,988 for 12 persons / $3,188 for 6 persons
Appetizer Combination
Sauteed Shredded Sea Cucumber and Abalone with Mixed Fungus in Home-made Sauce
Deep-fried Prawn Balls with Salty Egg Yolk
Braised Bird’s Nest Soup with Dried Seafood
Double-boiled Chicken Soup with Red Date, Cordycep Flower and Whelk
Braised Dried Oyster and Pork Tongue
Braised Bean Curd Sheet with Matsutake
Steamed Fresh Giant Grouper
Smoked Crispy Chicken with Supreme Tea Leaf
Sweetened Walnut Cream with Dumpling
$2,388 for 4 persons