與愛侶一同陶醉於Supergiant Tapas & Cocktail Bar 聯同國際知名的酩悅香檳攜手誠獻的「粉紅氣泡」下午茶,以濃情蜜意的美饌向您的甜心情深說句「我愛您」。「粉紅氣泡」下午茶供應期為 2018年1月19日至4月1日,每兩位只需HK$348,透過粉紅氣泡打造醉人午後約會。
美麗華酒店系列 (隸屬美麗華集團) 的首間精品酒店、以中秋節嫦娥奔月故事為設計主題的問月酒店,與酩悅香檳合作推出以火烈鳥粉紅香檳為主題的下午茶,包含各式各樣引人垂涎的粉紅及香檳甜點和鹹點。Supergiant Tapas & Cocktail Bar 陳家俊總廚受粉紅香檳浪漫氣息啟發,創作出其專屬的粉紅火烈鳥忌廉泡芙,讓愛火於戀愛季節中頓時昇華。一試傾心、由陳總廚匠心炮製的甜點亦包括鹽漬櫻花法式小蛋糕,以既鹹且甜的滋味打動你的細緻味蕾,香濃的朱古力脆脆蛋糕混合了五層不同質地的朱古力及可可脆米餅,時而幼滑如絲的朱古力慕斯,時而滿載口感的脆餅,一口吃下令人心花怒放。
下午茶逢星期五至星期日下午3時至6時供應,每兩位售價為HK$348。此外,每位賓客可免費獲贈迷你酩悅粉紅香檳乙支 (每支建議售價為HK$250)。

Cast your love spell and spoil your beloved with Supergiant Tapas & Cocktail Bar’s latest Rosé Afternoon Tea Set in collaboration with Moët & Chandon, the prestigious champagne house, inspired by Rosé Impérial Flamingo champagne at only HK$348 per two persons, available from 19 January to 1 April 2018.
Mira Moon, the first story boutique hotel designed with Chinese fairytale under the Mira Hotel Collection, teams up with Moët & Chandon to present a Flamingo Rosé-themed afternoon tea set including a bewildering array of enticing pink and champagne-flavoured sweet and savory nibbles. To echo the romantic ambience, Supergiant Tapas & Cocktail Bar’s Chef de Cuisine Jeremy Chan has hand-crafted the iconic pink Flamingo Cream Puff to heighten the sweetness of the season of love. Tailor-made sweet treats also include the alluring Salted Sakura Financier offering you a taste of pickled cherry blossom and the layered Crunchy Chocolate Bavarois which consists of five different textures.
Foodies like you would never say “nay” to sweet nibbles including but not limited to the champagne-flavoured macaroons, homemade Raisin Scone with Whipped Cream and Mixed Berry Jam offering you a berry indulgence, the seductive Passion Fruit Chocolate makes you reminisce about the sweet and sour after-taste and the not-to-be-missed pinky chocolate Mini Donut.
The afternoon tea set also showcases a selection of savoury Spanish tidbits including Camembert Cheese with Fig Jam, Serrano Ham on Spanish Crystal Bread and Mussels Pintxos with Avruga Caviar. Have a sip of the rosé-based cocktail with crushed sugar rim concocted by the mixologist making the afternoon a sweetness-filled one.
The afternoon tea is available between Friday and Sunday from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM, priced at HK$348 for two persons. Every guest will receive a bottle of complimentary mini Moët & Chandon Rosé champagne (valued at HK$250 per bottle) during the promotion period upon patronage.