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多謝您使用 OKiBook!由於我們的會員計劃將做出升級調整,OKiBook Club 會員優惠碼將於 2024 年 10 月 1 日 起暫停服務直至另行通知。

於會員優惠碼暫停服務期間,已登記的 OKiBook Club 會員將仍可通過我們的訂座平台 及 網上商店 累積會員積分,積分有效期將暫不設到期日,直至另行通知。OKiBook Club 會員於 2024 年 10 月 1 日 前仍可將積分兌換成優惠碼,並於 作購物用途。新會員計劃的推出日期及時間,因應實際系統升級安排另行通知。不便之處,敬請見諒。如有查詢,請聯絡 OKiBook 客戶服務部電郵 [email protected],我們將於辦公時間內回覆。

Thank you for using OKiBook! We would like to inform you that our membership program will undergo an upgrade adjustment. As a result, the OKiBook Club membership discount code service will be temporarily suspended starting from 1 October, 2024, until further notice.

During the period of suspension of the membership discount code service, registered OKiBook Club members will still be able to accumulate membership points through our booking platform at and our online store at The validity period of the points will be extended until further notice. OKiBook Club members can continue to redeem points for discount codes and use them for shopping at until 1 October, 2024.

The announcement date and time of the new membership plan will be notified separately based on the actual system upgrade arrangements. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have any inquiries, please contact OKiBook Customer Service at [email protected], and we will respond during office hours.

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多謝您使用 OKiBook!由於我們的會員計劃將做出升級調整,OKiBook Club 會員優惠碼將於 2024 年 10 月 1 日 起暫停服務直至另行通知。

於會員優惠碼暫停服務期間,已登記的 OKiBook Club 會員將仍可通過我們的訂座平台 及 網上商店 累積會員積分,積分有效期將暫不設到期日,直至另行通知。OKiBook Club 會員於 2024 年 10 月 1 日 前仍可將積分兌換成優惠碼,並於 作購物用途。新會員計劃的推出日期及時間,因應實際系統升級安排另行通知。不便之處,敬請見諒。如有查詢,請聯絡 OKiBook 客戶服務部電郵 [email protected],我們將於辦公時間內回覆。

Thank you for using OKiBook! We would like to inform you that our membership program will undergo an upgrade adjustment. As a result, the OKiBook Club membership discount code service will be temporarily suspended starting from 1 October, 2024, until further notice.

During the period of suspension of the membership discount code service, registered OKiBook Club members will still be able to accumulate membership points through our booking platform at and our online store at The validity period of the points will be extended until further notice. OKiBook Club members can continue to redeem points for discount codes and use them for shopping at until 1 October, 2024.

The announcement date and time of the new membership plan will be notified separately based on the actual system upgrade arrangements. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have any inquiries, please contact OKiBook Customer Service at [email protected], and we will respond during office hours.

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${Intl.NumberFormat().format(points.value)} points
${status_en[points.status_text]} ${status_ch[points.status_text]}
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多謝您使用 OKiBook!由於我們的會員計劃將做出升級調整,OKiBook Club 會員優惠碼將於 2024 年 10 月 1 日 起暫停服務直至另行通知。

於會員優惠碼暫停服務期間,已登記的 OKiBook Club 會員將仍可通過我們的訂座平台 及 網上商店 累積會員積分,積分有效期將暫不設到期日,直至另行通知。OKiBook Club 會員於 2024 年 10 月 1 日 前仍可將積分兌換成優惠碼,並於 作購物用途。新會員計劃的推出日期及時間,因應實際系統升級安排另行通知。不便之處,敬請見諒。如有查詢,請聯絡 OKiBook 客戶服務部電郵 [email protected],我們將於辦公時間內回覆。

Thank you for using OKiBook! We would like to inform you that our membership program will undergo an upgrade adjustment. As a result, the OKiBook Club membership discount code service will be temporarily suspended starting from 1 October, 2024, until further notice.

During the period of suspension of the membership discount code service, registered OKiBook Club members will still be able to accumulate membership points through our booking platform at and our online store at The validity period of the points will be extended until further notice. OKiBook Club members can continue to redeem points for discount codes and use them for shopping at until 1 October, 2024.

The announcement date and time of the new membership plan will be notified separately based on the actual system upgrade arrangements. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have any inquiries, please contact OKiBook Customer Service at [email protected], and we will respond during office hours.

My Rewards
Balance: ${Intl.NumberFormat().format(} points
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Balance: ${Intl.NumberFormat().format(} points
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Points converted: ${points.title_en} #${points.voucher_id}${points.reservation_id}${points.discount_code}
Date: ${points.created_at_long}
Points converted: ${points.title_ch} #${points.voucher_id}${points.reservation_id}${points.discount_code}
Date: ${points.created_at_long}
${Intl.NumberFormat().format(points.value)} points
${status_en[points.status_text]} ${status_ch[points.status_text]}
${Intl.NumberFormat().format(points.value)} points
無限供應滋味龍蝦 / All-you-can-eat Lobster Buffet @ Yamm - The Mira Hong Kong

無限供應滋味龍蝦 / All-you-can-eat Lobster Buffet @ Yamm - The Mira Hong Kong


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  [wpvideo EIFozr3n]


[caption id="attachment_7383" align="aligncenter" width="800"]Yamm The Mira Hong Kong - OKiBook Restaurant Reservation - Lobster Buffet_Crab Shells stuffed with Lobster Crab Meat & Uni 龍蝦蟹肉海膽蒸蛋釀蟹蓋 / Crab Shells stuffed with Lobster Crab Meat and Uni[/caption] 3月1日至4月30日*,晚上6時30分至10時供應 *復活節自助餐除外﹝3月30日至4月2日﹞ 星期一至四:HK$668 ﹝成人﹞HK$398 ﹝3-11歲小童﹞ 星期五至日、公眾假期及前夕HK$718 ﹝成人﹞HK$428 ﹝3-11歲小童﹞ 所有價目另收加一服務費。 [caption id="attachment_7385" align="aligncenter" width="800"]Yamm The Mira Hong Kong - OKiBook Restaurant Reservation - Lobster Buffet_Lobster & Crab Meat Avocado 龍蝦蟹肉釀牛油果 / Lobster and Crab Meat Avocado[/caption] 惹人垂涎的火紅龍蝦載譽回歸Yamm,讓熱愛龍蝦的您情迷不已! 由多款龍蝦美饌誘發無限味覺驚喜,鍾情海鮮的您,不容錯過由全新登場的即席烹調專區主理的印度天多尼龍蝦尾配香草乳酪醬;或細味龍蝦蟹肉釀牛油果,鮮甜味道與香滑細膩令人一試難忘! 深受歡迎的主廚推介,包括由龍蝦海鮮叻沙及龍蝦天婦羅壽司;精緻鹹點如龍蝦南瓜籽冬甩伴上來自冰涼大西洋的鰭魚魚籽更洋溢匠心創意,入口散發海洋氣息,沁人心脾的鮮甜餘韻交織縈迴,讓扣人心弦的滋味悸動味蕾。 [caption id="attachment_7386" align="aligncenter" width="800"]Yamm The Mira Hong Kong - OKiBook Restaurant Reservation - Lobster Buffet_Lobster Sushi Tempura 龍蝦天婦羅壽司 / Lobster Sushi Tempura[/caption]


  • 龍蝦海鮮叻沙
  • 火焰龍蝦配蛋黃牛油
  • 龍蝦天婦羅壽司
  • 龍蝦南瓜籽冬甩伴魚籽及龍蝦汁
  • 天多尼龍蝦尾配香草乳酪醬
  • 蒜香黑椒炒龍蝦鉗
  • 龍蝦蟹肉海膽蒸蛋釀蟹蓋
  • 龍蝦蟹肉釀牛油果
[caption id="attachment_7387" align="aligncenter" width="800"]Yamm The Mira Hong Kong - OKiBook Restaurant Reservation - Lobster Buffet_Tandori Lobster Tails with Pistachio Butter 天多尼龍蝦尾配香草乳酪醬 / Tandori Lobster Tail with Pistachio Butter[/caption]


  • 新鮮波士頓龍蝦
  • 兩款即開生蠔
  • 香煎鵝肝
除了全年源源不絕供應的即開生蠔新鮮波士頓龍蝦,Yamm更為您提供各國芝士凍肉及動人甜點選擇,如經典抹茶朱古力噴泉配上時令的士多啤梨及棉花糖,必定令您情迷不已﹗ Yamm The Mira Hong Kong Oyster and Lobster Dinner Buffet OKiBook Hong Kong - Restaurants, Buffet, Booking, Reviews Deals, Discounts, Dining Promotions 香港,餐廳及預訂,自助餐, 評價,折扣,優惠, 餐飲促銷


Yamm豐盛自助餐宴帶來的悠然滿足,由深受歡迎的甜品專區,把味覺體驗提昇至更動人心弦的層次。每晚供應的經典Mira 意式芝士餅,即場製作芳香窩夫伴雪糕,惹人垂涎的抹茶朱古力噴泉,都讓人一試難忘! 將週末歡樂延續,逢星期五、六、日晚上,由精彩甜點綻放誘人味力。糕餅總廚為饕客細意準備香濃芝士系列,從鬆軟日式芝士蛋糕到軟滑法式芝士餅應有盡有,「芝」味無窮!
  • Fluffy: 日式紫薯海綿芝士蛋糕
  • Texture: Baileys 咖啡與北海道牛乳二重奏
  • So French: 檸檬慕絲配法國忌廉乳酪
  • Ciao-Ciao: 有機白朱古力軟芝士蛋糕
  • Oishii: 日本芝士撻
Yamm The Mira Hong Kong - Cheesecake corner - OKiBook Yamm The Mira Hong Kong - OKiBook Hong Kong - Restaurants, Buffet, Booking, Reviews Deals, Discounts, Dining Promotions 香港,餐廳及預訂,自助餐, 評價,折扣,優惠, 餐飲促銷 OKiBook Hong Kong - Restaurant & Buffet Booking Reviews Discounts Promotions - OKiBook香港,餐廳及自助餐預訂, 評價,折扣,優惠 March Members Dining Offers - OKiBook Hong Kong Restaurant Buffet booking 自助餐預訂香港 Birthday Dining Offers - OKiBook Hong Kong Restaurant Buffet booking 自助餐預訂香港

If the king of seafood is your thing, head over to Yamm to catch the most anticipated all-you-can-eat buffet of the year! This March and April, the popular buffet restaurant in Tsim Sha Tsui presents a nightly showcase of exciting culinary interpretations of this highly revered crustacean.

[caption id="attachment_7383" align="aligncenter" width="800"]Yamm The Mira Hong Kong - OKiBook Restaurant Reservation - Lobster Buffet_Crab Shells stuffed with Lobster Crab Meat & Uni Crab Shells stuffed with Lobster Crab Meat & Uni[/caption]

Available from 1 Mar – 30 Apr*, from 6:30pm till 10pm. *except for Easter Buffets (30 Mar – 2 Apr)

Mon – Thu: HK$668 (Adult) HK$398 (Child; 3-11 years) Fri – Sun: HK$718 (Adult) HK$428 (Child; 3-11 years)

All prices are subject to a 10% service charge.

[caption id="attachment_7385" align="aligncenter" width="800"]Yamm The Mira Hong Kong - OKiBook Restaurant Reservation - Lobster Buffet_Lobster & Crab Meat Avocado Lobster & Crab Meat Avocado[/caption]

Lobster lovers rejoice as striking red Boston lobster in all its glory returns to Yamm!

Among decadent lobster buffet dishes, seafood fans may find aromatic tandoori lobster tails with Raita Sauce served at the new Indian live cooking station, as well as creamy avocados stuffed with a combination of sweet lobster meat and delicate crab.

Next to ever-popular picks such as lobster laksa and lobster sushi tempura Yamm’s Chefs – who hold lobster in high esteem for its versatility – will also surprise you with baked lobster doughnut with lumpfish roe from the cool waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Bite into this original, savoury dessert in which each little pearl of the “caviar of the north” bursts in the mouth with a fresh, salty flavour and a touch of sweetness adding a special twist.

[caption id="attachment_7386" align="aligncenter" width="800"]Yamm The Mira Hong Kong - OKiBook Restaurant Reservation - Lobster Buffet_Lobster Sushi Tempura Lobster Sushi Tempura[/caption]

Chef’s Picks:

  • Lobster & Seafood Laksa
  • Flambéed Lobster with Hollandaise, Spinach & Onion
  • Lobster Sushi Tempura
  • Baked Lobster & Pumpkin Seed Doughnut with Lumpfish Roe and Lobster Sauce
  • Tandoori Lobster Tails with Raita Sauce
  • Wok-Fried Lobster Claw with Garlic and Black Pepper
  • Crab Shell stuffed with Lobster, Crab Meat and Sea Urchin on Egg Custard
  • Avocado Halves filled with Lobster & Crab Meat
[caption id="attachment_7387" align="aligncenter" width="800"]Yamm The Mira Hong Kong - OKiBook Restaurant Reservation - Lobster Buffet_Tandori Lobster Tails with Pistachio Butter Tandori Lobster Tail with Pistachio Butter[/caption]

Signature Specials:

  • Steamed Boston Lobsters
  • 2 Types of Freshly Shucked Oysters
  • Pan-fried Foie Gras

In addition to year-round must-haves of fresh oysters and Boston Lobsters, every dinner buffet spread at Yamm features international cheese & cold cuts with condiments and divine desserts complete with our signature matcha green tea chocolate fountain with seasonal strawberries and giant marshmallows!

Make sure to try all the new live cooking stations including succulent Chinese BBQ meats, Asian noodles, and Indian Tandoor oven specialities, all served nightly along the vast Japanese, Asian and Western delicacies.

[caption id="attachment_708" align="aligncenter" width="800"]Yamm The Mira Hong Kong Oyster and Lobster Dinner Buffet OKiBook Hong Kong - Restaurants, Buffet, Booking, Reviews Deals, Discounts, Dining Promotions 香港,餐廳及預訂,自助餐, 評價,折扣,優惠, 餐飲促銷 Seafood Buffet[/caption]

#SayCheese Every Weekend!

No meal is complete without a sweet ending and Yamm is famed for its gorgeous pastries including signature Mira Tiramisu, a live station of homemade pandan waffles with ice-cream, and matcha chocolate fountain available every night, now also enhanced with a choice of “calorie buster” desserts for conscious foodies.

On top of that, on every Friday, Saturday and Sunday night you may enjoy a dedicated corner of creative, modern cheese cakes with an Asian twist created by our Pastry Chefs, from fluffy Japanese to thick and creamy French cakes that will put an extra smile on your face!

  • Fluffy: Japanese Cotton Cheesecake & Sweet Potato
  • Texture: of Coffee-Baileys Hokkaido Double Fromage Cake
  • So French: Fromage Blanc et Citron (French creamy yogurt & lemon curd)
  • Ciao-Ciao: Organic Milk Chocolate Ricotta Cheese Cake
  • Oishii: Japanese Cheese Tart
[caption id="attachment_5121" align="aligncenter" width="639"]Yamm The Mira Hong Kong - Cheesecake corner - OKiBook Cheese Cake Corner[/caption] Yamm The Mira Hong Kong - OKiBook Hong Kong - Restaurants, Buffet, Booking, Reviews Deals, Discounts, Dining Promotions 香港,餐廳及預訂,自助餐, 評價,折扣,優惠, 餐飲促銷 OKiBook Hong Kong - Restaurant & Buffet Booking Reviews Discounts Promotions - OKiBook香港,餐廳及自助餐預訂, 評價,折扣,優惠 March Members Dining Offers - OKiBook Hong Kong Restaurant Buffet booking 自助餐預訂香港 Birthday Dining Offers - OKiBook Hong Kong Restaurant Buffet booking 自助餐預訂香港
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