
下午茶自助餐美食種類繁多,打頭陣的有日式冷盤、特色壽司 (三文魚壽司、吞拿魚壽司、八爪魚壽司等)、清新沙律吧等,食客亦可隨自己喜愛的口味,自由配搭沙律醬汁和材料。自助餐桌上更有不少輕食如:炸魚薯條、春卷、泰式蜜糖雞翼、迷你三文治、公司三文治、日式串燒、和風芝士海鮮薄餅、意式薄餅、素鮑魚雞粥、英式鬆餅等,款款色香味美。另外,餐廳亦有提供港式風味的即煮麵檔、中式點心等適合港人口味的美食,還有充滿傳統風格的印度咖喱,令人垂涎欲滴!餐廳會不時輪流供應不同美食,保持新鮮感。


- 清新沙律吧
- 特色壽司 (三文魚壽司、吞拿魚壽司、八爪魚壽司等)
- 瑞士雞翼
- 泰式蜜糖雞翼
- 春卷
- 日式煙肉腸
- 日式串燒
- 韓式豬軟骨
- 港式麵檔
- 各式印度咖喱 (牛肉、什菜、雞肉等)
- 公司三文治
- 飛碟三文治
- 迷你漢堡
- 和風芝士海鮮薄餅
- 意式薄餅
- 素鮑魚雞粥
- 中式點心 (燒賣、蝦餃、小籠包、奶皇包、叉燒包等)
- 中式炒麵
- 英式鬆餅
- 傳統意式芝士蛋糕
- 芒果拿破崙蛋糕
- Dreyer’s或Movenpick雪糕
- 朱古力噴泉等

成人$258 小童 $158

Have a nice and relaxing weekend at Regal Hongkong Hotel! After a crazy shopping with friends at Causeway Bay, it is great for you to enjoy a savoury afternoon tea buffet at Café Rivoli. The restaurant presents an array of delicacies for you to brighten up the day!

Afternoon tea buffet serves a selection of delicacies to satisfy guests. Guests can have some cold selections, assorted sushi (salmon, tuna, octopus and more), salad bar with condiments and some other cold temptations for a fresh start. An array of snack including Fish and Chips, Spring Roll, Thai Honey Chicken Wing, Mini Sandwich, Club Sandwich, Yakitori, Japanese Cheese Seafood Pizza, Italian Pizza, Chicken Congee with Vegetarian Abalone, English Scone and more are available on the buffet table to tickle diners’ palate. Besides, Cantonese delicacies including noodles corner, Chinese dim sum and Indian corner are also the dishes cannot be missed. Food items of afternoon tea buffet will be changed regularly to delight guests.

After all, you will need to cheer up a weekend with various eye-catching desserts including Chocolate Fountain, Tiramisu, Mango Napoleon! Guests can also design their own Dreyer’s or Movenpick ice cream sundae with various condiments on the colourful table.

Other specialties:
- Salad Bar
- Assorted Sushi (Salmon, Tuna, Octopus, etc)
- Marinated Chicken Wings with Sweet Soy Sauce
- Thai Honey Chicken Wing
- Spring Roll
- Bacon Sausage
- Yakitori
- Korean Style Pork Cartilage
- Noodles Corner
- Indian Corner (Beef, Vegetable, Chicken, etc)
- Club Sandwich
- Toasted Sandwich
- Mini Burger
- Japanese Cheese Seafood Pizza
- Italian Pizza
- Chicken Congee with Vegetarian Abalone
- Chinese Dim Sum (Shao Mai, Steamed Shrimp Dumpling, Steamed Bun, Steamed Egg Custard Bun, Steamed Barbecued Pork Bun, etc)
- Chinese Fried Noodles
- English Scone
- Tiramisu
- Mango Napoleon
- Dreyer’s or Movenpick Ice Cream
- Chocolate Fountain

3:30 pm to 5:30 pm (Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday)
Adult: $258 Child $158
*Prices are subject to 10% service charge