以滋味窩心美饌顯孝意!富豪香港酒店預備了精采的母親節餐飲節目,由傳意式晚餐至豐富海鮮自助餐,均可讓媽媽感受顧客的心意。凡預訂御花園咖啡室「富豪溫馨暖意自助晚餐」或Alto 88溫馨意式5道菜晚餐,每位母親可獲贈L’occitane en Provence禮品一份!

午餐:折扣優惠: 5月12-13號 午餐 / 下午茶 / 晚餐:7折
Alto 88

溫馨意式5道菜晚餐: 香煎珍寶帶子配白蘆筍沙律 *** 忌廉蘑菇濃湯 *** 黑魚汁意大利飯配小魷魚 *** 輕燒紅鯛魚配意大利青瓜 或 燒牛柳配鵝肝汁 *** 焦糖蘋果拿破崙 *** illy咖啡或茶
所有價目須另加一服務費折扣優惠: 5月12號 午餐 / 晚餐:75折 5月13號 午餐 / 下午茶 / 晚餐:8折

海參燕窩母親宴 (2018年5月1日至31日):
富貴豐盈大滿盆 (化皮乳豬件、吉列脆鰻魚、滷水和牛脷、香芹撈肚絲)
燕窩蟹肉冬蓉羹 或 舞茸雪棗螺頭燉雞
清蒸金花尾躉 或 古法炆原條金花尾躉
$3,188 +10% (6位用)
$5,988 +10% (12位用)
Show your true love and care this Mother’s Day with our tailor-made dining programs. Enjoy from choice of Cantonese set menu, Bubble and Oyster Brunch, Italian set dinner and sumptuous Seafood Buffet. Every mum can receive a gift pack of complimentary L’occitane en Provence by booking Enticing Oyster, Seafood and Twinings Dinner Buffet at Café Rivoli or Mother’s Day 5-course Italian Set Dinner at Alto 88.
Café Rivoli

Cafe Rivoli is delighted to present the Enticing Oyster, Seafood and Twinings Dinner Buffet. Mothers can enjoy the succulent seafood dishes and Twinings desserts for celebration. Intentional Lunch Buffet and Afternoon Tea Buffet are also available. Come and celebrate the wonderful Mother’s Day at the Hotel! Guests can enjoy 30% discount by confirming booking on or before 7 May 2018.
Lunch: 12 May: Adult buffet: HK$388 / Child buffet: HK$288 HK$500 deposit (non-refundable) required in order to confirm booking of tables of 6 and more. The restaurant will contact guests for collecting the payment. 13 May: Adult buffet: HK$388 / Child buffet: HK$288 Full pre-payment (non-refundable) required in order to confirm booking. 30% early bird discount when deposit paid before 7 May. The restaurant will contact the guests to collect the payment. Afternoon-tea: 12-13 May: Adult buffet: HK$258 / Child buffet: HK$158 Dinner 12 May: Adult buffet: HK$688 / Child buffet: HK$438 HK$500 deposit (non-refundable) required in order to confirm booking of tables of 6 and more. The restaurant will contact guests for collecting the payment. 13 May: Adult buffet: HK$688 / Child buffet: HK$438 Full pre-payment (non-refundable) required in order to confirm booking. 30% early bird discount when deposit paid before 7 May. The restaurant will contact the guests to collect the payment. 10% service charge applies Discount offer: 12-13 May Lunch / Afternoon-Tea / Dinner: 30% offAlto 88 - Regal Hongkong Hotel (Italian)
Mother’s Day 5-course Italian Set Dinner: Pan-fried Jumbo Scallop with White Asparagus Salad *** Creamy Mushroom Soup ***** Black Ink Risotto with Baby Squid *** Seared Red Snapper Medallion with Courgette Declination Or Grilled Beef Tenderloin with Goose Liver Sauce *** Caramelized Apple Napoleon *** illy Coffee or Tea
10% service charge applies Discount offer: 12 May Lunch / Dinner: 25% offRegal Palace
Sea Cucumber and Bird's Nest Set Menu (1 to 31 May 2018):
Appetizer Combination *** Sauteed Prawn Ball with Salad Dressing and Walnut, Green Salad *** Stir-fried Sea Cucumber and Scallop with Spring Onion *** Braised Mashed Winter Melon Soup with Bird’s Nest and Crabmeat Or Double-boiled Chicken Soup with Maitake, Red Date and Whelk *** Braised Sliced Abalone with Pomelo Skin and Lettuce *** Steamed Giant Grouper Or Braised Giant Grouper with Mushroom in Brown Sauce *** Fried Crispy Chicken with Onion Oil *** Braised Vegetable with Tomato and Mushroom *** Sweetened Sago Cream with Pumpkin $3,188+10% for 6 guests $5,988+10% for 12 guests