問月酒店旗下之西班牙餐廳 Supergiant Tapas & Cocktail Bar於今夏與ZAXY以炫目的黃色為主調,傾情創製出猶如迷人月色一般令人陶醉不已的「炫目黃色繽紛夏日」下午茶,供應期為 2018年5月1日至7月31日,每兩位只需HK$398,讓饕客以時尚色彩打造醉人的午後約會,讓您盡享賞心「月」目的愜意時光!
沉醉於時尚又精緻的美點中。為主題度身訂製的甜點包括軟滑誘人的白桃啫喱、果味香醇的紅桑子馬卡龍及抗氧化的熱情果朱古力。其他令人傾心的甜點包括英式提子鬆餅伴菠蘿果醬及忌廉、芒果芝士蛋糕及燒香蕉冬甩 – 讓您以完美的ZTYLE步進炎夏! 投入醉人夏日,讓炫目風尚成為您的最佳點綴!
優惠詳情: 日期: 2018年5月3日至7月31日,星期五至日 時間: 下午3時至6時 價錢: 每兩位 HK$398 Yellow Summer afternoon tea menu (Chinese)

Teamed up with ZAXY for a limited edition Yellow Summer Afternoon Tea inspired by 0% Waste and 100% Style, Supergiant stages the latest Yellow Summer Afternoon Tea with fashion-inspired Summer nibbles in yellow – the iconoclastic shade of ‘moonshine’ to lure all fashionistas in town!
Electrify your afternoon with exquisite bites handcrafted by Chef de Cuisine Jeremy Chan from tailor-made sweet treats including White Peach Jelly that contrasts perfectly with the Raspberry Macaroon with its silky smooth texture and the endearing Passion Fruit Chocolate that is packed with fruitiness and antioxidants. Additional sweet bites include the Raisin Scone with Pineapple jam and Whipped Cream, Mango Cheese Cake and Burnt Banana Donut – making sure you Spring into Summer with the perfect ZTYLE!
The afternoon tea set also showcases a selection of savory Spanish tidbits including Roasted Beef, Sandwich with Piquillo Pepper, Smoke Salmon Crystal Bread and Ham Croquetas. Breeze into the season with a glass of Butterfly Summer Cocktail by the mixologist and fill your afternoon with the passion for fashion!
The afternoon tea is available between Friday and Sunday from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM, priced at HK$398 for two persons. Every guest will receive one free ZAXY cosmetic pouch for each set of afternoon tea during the promotion period upon patronage (whilst stock lasts).
Offer details: Date: 4 May – 31 July, Fridays to Sundays Time: 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM Price: HK$398 for 2 pax Yellow Summer afternoon tea menu (English)