香港君悅酒店新任行政餅廚Smita Grosse帶領酒店極具才華的甜品團隊仔細瀏覽所有創意,在充分考慮成品的風味、口感、獨特性以及創新性後,最終遴選出六款新奇獨特的雪糕口味,並於現時起至9月初期間限定於茶園自助午餐、下午茶及自助晚餐推出。
德國麥啤拖肥脆餅 :
下午茶套餐:HK$298+10%(星期一至五)/ HK$328+10%(星期六至日 / 公眾假期) 雪糕吧:HK$228+10%

Praised for its home-made Lobster Bisque ice cream, Tiffin is excited to launch six new creative and distinctive flavours as part of Tiffin’s summer ice cream campaign. In June, everyone in town was invited to come up with a recipe for the flavour of their dreams and give it a catchy name. As a result, six of the most imaginative flavours now appear on Tiffin’s ice cream dessert counter. It’s like a dream come true!
Helmed by the new Executive Pastry Chef, Smita Grosse, the talented culinary team have carefully gone through all the responses from participants and have chosen the winning concoctions based on innovative flavour combinations, textural qualities, distinctiveness of ingredients and boldness of concept and story. These winning entries are available from now until early September. Patrons of all ages are welcome to come and savour them during lunch buffet, afternoon tea and dinner buffet.
In addition to the six new ice cream flavours, Tiffin is concurrently serving four seasonal and traditional flavours from Grand Hyatt Hong Kong, all handcrafted using only the highest-quality ingredients, including French dark chocolate, Madagascar vanilla bean, peach and champagne sorbet, and lemon sorbet.
The six inventive flavours are:
Pigs can fly:
What makes this flavour interesting is that it involves some familiar local ingredients, such as salted egg yolk and pork floss, which are quite unexpected in ice cream.
Frozen Lederhosen:
By just reading or listening to the name, you may immediately relate it to Oktoberfest. This flavour makes for a perfect malty, caramel and salty bite, as it involves malt beer, toffee crunch and pretzels.
So Thai:
Mango sticky rice fans alert! Here comes the ice cream version your favourite dessert! It is made of coconut milk and mango cubes, offering the exact same texture of real mango sticky rice.
Royal fantasy:
Inspired by the recent British royalty wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, this flavour has infused orange blossom with honey and ginger, offering an elegant and delightful taste.
Crispy-crunch Maple:
This ice cream flavour offers a crispy and crunchy texture from the bacon and maple, respectively, which makes it special.
Rude Raspberry:
Rich raspberry ice cream with a caramelised vanilla as ice cream base.
Apart from the extraordinary ice cream journey, Chef Smita has also created new afternoon tea items to match the whole summery theme, infusing seasonal ingredients into standard specialties. Included are salted caramel chocolate cake, raspberry cheese tart, pistachio profiterole apricot jelly and Greek yogurt mousse with honey lemon.
Available daily from 3:30 PM – 5:30 PM, from 13 July 2018 onwards
Tea Set: HK$298+10% (Mon-Fri) / HK$328+10% (Sat-Sun / PH) Ice-cream station: HK$228+10%