OKiBook test store (opened 1 Jul 2021)
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多謝您使用 OKiBook!由於我們的會員計劃將做出升級調整,OKiBook Club 會員優惠碼將於 2024 年 10 月 1 日 起暫停服務直至另行通知。

於會員優惠碼暫停服務期間,已登記的 OKiBook Club 會員將仍可通過我們的訂座平台 及 網上商店 累積會員積分,積分有效期將暫不設到期日,直至另行通知。OKiBook Club 會員於 2024 年 10 月 1 日 前仍可將積分兌換成優惠碼,並於 作購物用途。新會員計劃的推出日期及時間,因應實際系統升級安排另行通知。不便之處,敬請見諒。如有查詢,請聯絡 OKiBook 客戶服務部電郵 [email protected],我們將於辦公時間內回覆。

Thank you for using OKiBook! We would like to inform you that our membership program will undergo an upgrade adjustment. As a result, the OKiBook Club membership discount code service will be temporarily suspended starting from 1 October, 2024, until further notice.

During the period of suspension of the membership discount code service, registered OKiBook Club members will still be able to accumulate membership points through our booking platform at and our online store at The validity period of the points will be extended until further notice. OKiBook Club members can continue to redeem points for discount codes and use them for shopping at until 1 October, 2024.

The announcement date and time of the new membership plan will be notified separately based on the actual system upgrade arrangements. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have any inquiries, please contact OKiBook Customer Service at [email protected], and we will respond during office hours.

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Date: ${points.created_at_long}
Points converted: ${points.title_ch} #${points.voucher_id}${points.reservation_id}${points.discount_code}
Date: ${points.created_at_long}
${Intl.NumberFormat().format(points.value)} points
${status_en[points.status_text]} ${status_ch[points.status_text]}
${Intl.NumberFormat().format(points.value)} points
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${val.from}     ${val.quantity}
${items.quantity} X ${} - ${ (*100) }% OFF
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${items.quantity} X ${} - ${ (*100) }% OFF
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Balance: ${Intl.NumberFormat().format(} points
Points balance: ${Intl.NumberFormat().format(} points See History
Points earned: ${Intl.NumberFormat().format(} points
Points used: ${Intl.NumberFormat().format(} points
Rewards to redeem: ${Intl.NumberFormat().format(}
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${Intl.NumberFormat().format(points.value - points.used)} points
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Balance: ${Intl.NumberFormat().format(} points

多謝您使用 OKiBook!由於我們的會員計劃將做出升級調整,OKiBook Club 會員優惠碼將於 2024 年 10 月 1 日 起暫停服務直至另行通知。

於會員優惠碼暫停服務期間,已登記的 OKiBook Club 會員將仍可通過我們的訂座平台 及 網上商店 累積會員積分,積分有效期將暫不設到期日,直至另行通知。OKiBook Club 會員於 2024 年 10 月 1 日 前仍可將積分兌換成優惠碼,並於 作購物用途。新會員計劃的推出日期及時間,因應實際系統升級安排另行通知。不便之處,敬請見諒。如有查詢,請聯絡 OKiBook 客戶服務部電郵 [email protected],我們將於辦公時間內回覆。

Thank you for using OKiBook! We would like to inform you that our membership program will undergo an upgrade adjustment. As a result, the OKiBook Club membership discount code service will be temporarily suspended starting from 1 October, 2024, until further notice.

During the period of suspension of the membership discount code service, registered OKiBook Club members will still be able to accumulate membership points through our booking platform at and our online store at The validity period of the points will be extended until further notice. OKiBook Club members can continue to redeem points for discount codes and use them for shopping at until 1 October, 2024.

The announcement date and time of the new membership plan will be notified separately based on the actual system upgrade arrangements. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have any inquiries, please contact OKiBook Customer Service at [email protected], and we will respond during office hours.

My Rewards
Balance: ${Intl.NumberFormat().format(} points
No rewards
Issue date: ${codes.created_date_long}
Expiry date: ${codes.expiry_date_long}
Used at: ${codes.redeemed_at_long} Expiry date: ${codes.expiry_date_long}
You have not redeened any rewards yet..
Visit the Use Points page.
Points Activities History
Balance: ${Intl.NumberFormat().format(} points
Earned/ Withdrawn
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Points converted: ${points.title_en} #${points.voucher_id}${points.reservation_id}${points.discount_code}
Date: ${points.created_at_long}
Points converted: ${points.title_ch} #${points.voucher_id}${points.reservation_id}${points.discount_code}
Date: ${points.created_at_long}
${Intl.NumberFormat().format(points.value)} points
${status_en[points.status_text]} ${status_ch[points.status_text]}
${Intl.NumberFormat().format(points.value)} points
Balance: ${Intl.NumberFormat().format(} points
Points balance: ${Intl.NumberFormat().format(} points See History
Points earned: ${Intl.NumberFormat().format(} points
Points used: ${Intl.NumberFormat().format(} points
Rewards to redeem: ${Intl.NumberFormat().format(}
Expiry date
${Intl.NumberFormat().format(points.value - points.used)} points
Earn Points
Balance: ${Intl.NumberFormat().format(} points
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Get 2,000 points as a welcome bonus
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Get 5,000 points as a birthday present. Earn double points in your birthday month.
Buy a Voucher
Get 1 point for every HK$1 you spend
Book a Table
Get 300 points for every paying guest attending
Use Points
Balance: ${Intl.NumberFormat().format(} points

多謝您使用 OKiBook!由於我們的會員計劃將做出升級調整,OKiBook Club 會員優惠碼將於 2024 年 10 月 1 日 起暫停服務直至另行通知。

於會員優惠碼暫停服務期間,已登記的 OKiBook Club 會員將仍可通過我們的訂座平台 及 網上商店 累積會員積分,積分有效期將暫不設到期日,直至另行通知。OKiBook Club 會員於 2024 年 10 月 1 日 前仍可將積分兌換成優惠碼,並於 作購物用途。新會員計劃的推出日期及時間,因應實際系統升級安排另行通知。不便之處,敬請見諒。如有查詢,請聯絡 OKiBook 客戶服務部電郵 [email protected],我們將於辦公時間內回覆。

Thank you for using OKiBook! We would like to inform you that our membership program will undergo an upgrade adjustment. As a result, the OKiBook Club membership discount code service will be temporarily suspended starting from 1 October, 2024, until further notice.

During the period of suspension of the membership discount code service, registered OKiBook Club members will still be able to accumulate membership points through our booking platform at and our online store at The validity period of the points will be extended until further notice. OKiBook Club members can continue to redeem points for discount codes and use them for shopping at until 1 October, 2024.

The announcement date and time of the new membership plan will be notified separately based on the actual system upgrade arrangements. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have any inquiries, please contact OKiBook Customer Service at [email protected], and we will respond during office hours.

My Rewards
Balance: ${Intl.NumberFormat().format(} points
No rewards
Issue date: ${codes.created_date_long}
Expiry date: ${codes.expiry_date_long}
Used at: ${codes.redeemed_at_long} Expiry date: ${codes.expiry_date_long}
You have not redeened any rewards yet..
Visit the Use Points page.
Points Activities History
Balance: ${Intl.NumberFormat().format(} points
Earned/ Withdrawn
No records
Points converted: ${points.title_en} #${points.voucher_id}${points.reservation_id}${points.discount_code}
Date: ${points.created_at_long}
Points converted: ${points.title_ch} #${points.voucher_id}${points.reservation_id}${points.discount_code}
Date: ${points.created_at_long}
${Intl.NumberFormat().format(points.value)} points
${status_en[points.status_text]} ${status_ch[points.status_text]}
${Intl.NumberFormat().format(points.value)} points
與星級廚師相遇 / Meet The Model Cook!  @ Osteria - Holiday Inn Golden Mile

與星級廚師相遇 / Meet The Model Cook!  @ Osteria - Holiday Inn Golden Mile


Read in English

國際星級名廚Daniel Green將於2018814日首次於金域假日酒店Osteria意大利餐廳出任客席大廚。居於英、美兩地的Daniel素以其清新、輕盈的飲食哲學聞名。作為國際知名大廚,Daniel Green推崇優質及低碳水化合物飲食。他崇尚低脂肪含量食材,並以新鮮食材入饌,以保留食物本身美味。Daniel的食譜曾受多本英、美歐洲及亞洲的雜誌廣泛報道,而他亦曾為不同媒體主持電視節目,包括BBCAsia Food ChannelFox Food NetworkDiscovery HealthUK Food等,他亦曾經撰寫十一本食譜,當中包括最新介紹原始人飲食法(Paleo Diet)的著作。

Osteria 意大利餐廳 - Holiday Inn Golden Mile 金域假日酒店 - OKiBook Hong Kong Restaurant Booking 自助餐預訂香 帕爾馬火腿包雞卷parma_ham_wrapped_chicken

是次到訪香江,他將與Osteria主廚Paolo攜手合作,呈獻特別設計的五道健康菜譜盡展廚藝。而是次Daniel於Osteria 只出任客席主廚一天,其菜式會選用低脂肪含量及新鮮食材烹調,以確保饗客品嚐到美味而優質的美食。

Osteria 意大利餐廳 - Holiday Inn Golden Mile 金域假日酒店 - OKiBook Hong Kong Restaurant Booking 自助餐預訂香 帕爾馬火腿包雞卷parma_ham_wrapped_chicken

Tartar di tonno del mediterraneo



Crudo di capesante in olio, limone, sale marino con ricci di mare



Zuppa di pesce



Pollo al prosciutto di Parma, ripieno di pomodori, spinaci saltati, pure’ di pastinaca



Filetto di salmone su pure di avocado, olio al basilico



Sorbetto di frutti di bosco con meringa e frutta fresca


Caffe o te’


  HK$680 +10% 其他菜單同時適用


Book Osteria Holiday inn Golden Mile Osteria 意大利餐廳 - 金域假日酒店 OKiBook Hong Kong - Restaurants, Buffet, Booking, Reviews Deals, Discounts, Dining Promotions 香港,餐廳及預訂,自助餐, 評價,折扣,優惠, 餐飲促銷 July-August Members Dining Offers - OKiBook Hong Kong Restaurant Buffet booking 自助餐預訂香港

OKiShop Mid-Autumn Festival - 中秋節月餅高達6折 - Mid-Autumn Mooncakes - Up To 40% Off

For one night only on 14 August, International star chef and healthy eating expert Daniel Green will don the chef’s white hat at Holiday Inn Golden Mile‘s Osteria and indulge you with a special five course dinner. These remarkable courses will be filled with his healthy recipes and seasonal ingredients. 

Osteria 意大利餐廳 - Holiday Inn Golden Mile 金域假日酒店 - OKiBook Hong Kong Restaurant Booking 自助餐預訂香 帕爾馬火腿包雞卷parma_ham_wrapped_chicken

Daniel Green is known to the culinary world for his light and clean dining philosophy. He is a specialist in high-quality, low-carbohydrate cuisine. “You can enjoy gourmet food without the fats, and that is how I’ve always designed my menus," said Green, who is also the author of eleven recipe books, including Healthy Meals Under 30 Minutes, Healthy Eating for Lower Cholesterol, and Paleo Monday to Friday. He also hosted a number of programmes for broadcasters such as the BBC, the Asian Food Channel, as well as Fox and Food Network. He added: “My dishes are always low in carbohydrates, low in fats and high in protein. In devising my recipes I’ve also drawn upon my culinary experience to prove that healthy food need not be boring."

Osteria 意大利餐廳 - Holiday Inn Golden Mile 金域假日酒店 - OKiBook Hong Kong Restaurant Booking 自助餐預訂香 帕爾馬火腿包雞卷parma_ham_wrapped_chicken

Tartar di tonno del mediterraneo

Mediterranean tuna tartar


Crudo di capesante in olio, limone, sale marino con ricci di mare

Raw scallops in olive oil, lemon and rock salt with sea urchin


Zuppa di pesce

Seafood soup


Pollo al prosciutto di Parma, ripieno di pomodori, spinaci saltati, pure’ di pastinaca

Parma ham wrapped chicken with sundried tomato stuffing on sautéed spinach and parsnip puree


Filetto di salmone su pure di avocado, olio al basilico

Seared salmon on avocado puree with basil oil


Sorbetto di frutti di bosco con meringa e frutta fresca

Berries sorbet with meringues and fresh fruit

Caffe o te’

Coffee or te

HK$680 + 10% Served in addition to all regular menus. HK$250 / person deposit required for tables of 6 or more. The restaurant will contact you to collect the payment. Book Osteria Holiday inn Golden Mile Osteria 意大利餐廳 - 金域假日酒店 OKiBook Hong Kong - Restaurants, Buffet, Booking, Reviews Deals, Discounts, Dining Promotions 香港,餐廳及預訂,自助餐, 評價,折扣,優惠, 餐飲促銷

OKiBook Hong Kong - Restaurant & Buffet Booking Reviews Discounts Promotions - OKiBook香港,餐廳及自助餐預訂, 評價,折扣,優惠

OKiShop Mid-Autumn Festival - 中秋節月餅高達6折 - Mid-Autumn Mooncakes - Up To 40% Off

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Romance By The Harbour Valentine's Day Delights 2025 at Pierside Bar & Restaurant - Royal Pacific Hotel
Semi-buffet Menu at Pierside Bar & Restaurant - Royal Pacific Hotel
Journey of Mediterranean Flavour Semi-buffet Lunch & Dinner @Pierside Bar & Restaurant - Royal Pacific Hotel
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