想暢快地一次過吃到不同款式的龍蝦菜式,一定不可以錯過香港金域假日酒店Bistro on the Mile咖啡廳,特別為龍蝦粉絲迷由9月1日至10日31日全新推出以龍蝦為主題的自助晚餐,推介菜式有大大隻肉質爽嫩的波士頓凍龍蝦、龍蝦蟹肉蝦咯嗲、龍蝦牛油果沙律、龍蝦卷、龍蝦芒果莎莎醬、龍蝦忌廉芝士卷、龍蝦盅、龍蝦卷、龍蝦茴香沙律、雜菓龍蝦沙律、龍蝦橘子沙律、泰式柚子龍蝦蟹肉沙律、龍蝦帶子大板燒、龍蝦千層麵、薑蔥炒龍蝦鉗、龍蝦蒸蛋及蘑菇汁焗龍蝦(只限週末供應),還有每位顧客更可獲得一盅香味濃郁的酥皮龍蝦湯,各式各樣的菜式,務求令龍蝦迷大快朵頤。
而自助晚餐每天除了供應主題菜式外,更有濑尿蝦、凍龍蝦仔、凍蝦、凍藍青口、日本長腳蟹、香煎羊扒、香燒牛肋骨、燒豬手、燒牛肉、椒鹽魷魚、豉汁龍利球等美食。壓軸甜品更是數不完,源源不絕供應的Haagen Dazs雪糕、奧地利蘋果卷、雞蛋仔、麵包布丁、意大利芝士蛋糕、木糠布甸、朱古力馬卡龍、紅桑子啫喱及葡撻等美味甜品。
自助餐成人價錢:港幣$569(星期一至四及星期日)/ 港幣$639(星期五至六) 自助餐兒童價錢:港幣$398 (星期一至四及星期日)/ 港幣$447 (星期五至六) 自助餐長者價錢 (65歲或以上):港幣$455 (星期一至四及星期日)/ 港幣$511 (星期五至六)
10%服務費 9月1日至10月31日,自助晚餐時段

Lobster lover roll up your sleeves, lobsterfest is back! Do not miss this opportunity to experience Holiday Inn Golden Mile's Bistro on the Mile Lobster buffet from Sept 1st to Oct 31st 2018.
With their signature massive claws, Bostonian lobsters are prized for their firm yet succulent meat. Delicious wok-fried lobster claw with ginger and spring onion, and the iconic baked lobster on the half-shell is sure to satisfy even the most discerning foodie. All of our guests will be served creamy Lobster bisque with puff pastry. There is also a choice of oceanic delights for seafood lovers. Cooked seafood delicacies include shrimp in their shells, blue mussels, Japanese crab leg, and green whelk.
Top off this feast with an array of delectable desserts featuring Italian tiramisu, Portuguese egg tart, bread and butter pudding, Chocolate Macaron, Austrian Apple Strudel, Egg Waffle and American Cheese Cake, plus three selections of Häagen Dazs ice cream.
Join us at the Bistro on the Mile for this all you can eat Boston Lobster Feast, a food lovers heaven!
Adult buffet: HK$569 (Mon-Thu & Sun) / HK$639 (Fri-Sat) Child buffet: HK$398 (Mon-Thu & Sun) / HK$447 (Fri-Sat) Senior buffet (65+): HK$455 (Mon-Thu & Sun) / HK$511 (Fri-Sat) 10% service charge applies1 Sep - 31 Oct 2018, dinner only