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‘Embrace the Golden Era of Hong Kong’ Buffets /「黃金歲月尋味之旅」自助餐 @ Café on the Park - Royal Pacific Hotel & Towers

‘Embrace the Golden Era of Hong Kong’ Buffets /「黃金歲月尋味之旅」自助餐 @ Café on the Park - Royal Pacific Hotel & Towers


Read in English


於 1988 年開業的皇家太平洋酒店屹立尖沙咀 30 年,適逢今年是酒 店 30 周年誌慶,環球自助餐餐廳柏景餐廳特別呈獻「黃金歲月尋味之旅」,帶您穿越時光隧 道,回到八十年代之黃金歲月,將昔日經典的香江美食一一重現,喚醒大家珍貴的味覺回憶。

「黃金歲月尋味之旅」自助餐供應期為 2018 年 9 月 3 日至 11 月 21 日,供應期間除了懷舊美饌 外,柏景餐廳亦一同時光倒流三十載,整個餐廳的佈置均充滿懷舊元素,由門口的港式懷舊茶 檔,到店內的舊式街牌、紅 A 膠吊燈、茶壺、信箱等,每個角落都是八十年代舊香港的寫照, 讓您邊品嚐美食邊拍照,懷緬昔日光輝歲月,定能滿足一眾熱愛懷舊風格的饕客。


我愛膽固醇!為配合「黃金歲月」的主題,總廚特別以最炙手可熱的鹹蛋黃炮製一系列邪惡美 食,包括黃金魚皮、黃金蝦棗、黃金米通、黃金魚餅、黃金薯條、黃金鮮魷等,每一道經典小 食皆香脆金黃,鹹香可口,令人一口接一口欲罷不能,絕對是寵縱味蕾的的絕佳選擇。

龍躉美饌 啫啫龍躉煲: 龍躉素有「斑王」的美譽,肉質鮮滑彈牙,而且營養豐富,以彩椒、乾蔥、蒜及薑 片爆得惹味可口,熱力把食物精華緊緊鎖在龍躉肉裡,濃郁惹味,奪目色彩加上陣陣香氣令人 食指大動。此外,其他龍躉菜式均以不同的烹調手法及優質食材炮製而成,每天輪流供應,包 括龍躉肉碎泡飯、生炆龍躉頭腩、姬松菇清燉龍躉骨湯、龍躉斑球等,猶如品嚐一頓矜貴龍躉 宴。

懷舊香江滋味 黑毛叉燒狗仔粉: 狗仔粉是八十年代的屋邨美食,一碗熱哄哄、賣相平庸的「粉仔」已滿載香港 人的集體回憶。粗短的麵條飽吸濃稠湯汁,湯頭配上蝦米、冬菜、豬油渣等,口感豐富,伴入 豬中極品、入口香滑鬆軟西班牙黑毛豬叉燒,脂肪更含單元不飽和脂肪酸,一碗滿滿盡是兒時 滋味,令人一試難忘。

經典小食: 五花八門的懷舊小食更是勾起香港人八十年代回憶不可或缺的重要元素,總廚特別挑 選多款具代表性的小食讓大家重溫兒時的味道,包括鹹甜有致的麥芽糖餅、香甜柔軟、入口即 化的龍鬚糖、鬆化香口的金箔脆麻花、清甜爽口的白糖糕、芝麻糕、花生糖等,懷舊的甜美驟 至,讓您甜在心頭。

此外,琳瑯美饌源源不絕為您奉上,包括有自助沙律吧、亞洲風味麵食區、即蒸點心、日式冷 麵、Mövenpick 瑞士雪糕及配料,以及各式各樣精緻甜品等,必能令您捧腹而回。

2018 年 9 月 3 日至 11 月 21 日

午餐: 自助餐成人價錢:HK$338(星期一至五及公眾假期前夕)/HK$418(星期六至日及公眾假期) 自助餐兒童價錢:HK$238(星期一至五及公眾假期前夕)/ HK$288(星期六至日及公眾假期) 晚餐: 自助餐成人價錢:HK$618(星期一至五)/ HK$668(星期六至日,公眾假期前夕及公眾假期) 自助餐兒童價錢:HK$378(星期一至五)/ HK$428(星期六至日,公眾假期前夕及公眾假期) 另加一服務費 Book Cafe on the Park Royal Pacific Hotel 柏景餐廳 - 皇家太平洋酒店 - OKiBook Hong Kong Restaurant REservation 1,000 reward-U points - OKiBook Hong Kong Restaurant Buffet booking 自助餐預訂香港

October Members Dining Offers 10月會員獨家優惠 - OKiBook Hong Kong Restaurant Buffet booking 自助餐預訂香港


Established in 1988 boasting the prime location at Tsim Sha Tsui, The Royal Pacific Hotel & Towers is celebrating its 30th anniversary, Café on the PARK proudly presents the ‘Embrace the Golden Era of Hong Kong’ Buffets, which take you on a gourmet journey back to the golden 80’s of Hong Kong featuring a vibrant spread of nostalgic local specialities – a gastronomic experience that brings back the forgotten flavours of old times.

Oozing with nostalgic charm, Café on the PARK is throwing it back to 1980s Hong Kong with its nostalgic surrounds between 3 September and 21 November 2018. From Hong Kong-style local food stall at the restaurant entrance to retro-themed decoration – street name plates, old-fashioned red plastic chandeliers, vintage tea pots and post boxes, all of which provide plenty of social media worthy moments and let you walk down the memory lane to the Golden 80s together with your special ones.

Devilish Golden Relish

To echo the theme of Golden Era, the culinary team has specially curated various salted egg local nibbles including Devil Skin, Deep-fried Shrimp with Salted Egg, Crispy Rice Cracker with Salted Egg, Minced Fish Cake with Salted Egg, Salted Egg French fries, Baked Crab Shell with Salted Egg and many more. Its crunchy texture and gooey paste of salted egg yolk will surely captivate your taste buds and win over your heart.

Grouper Goodies Braised Grouper and Seasonal Vegetables in Casserole: Giant grouper has long been named as the King of Grouper and it is known to be one of Hong Kong diners’ all-time favourites. With the mixture of aromatic bell peppers, shallots, garlic and ginger and braised in a casserole, this is a tasty dish that best retains the freshness and tenderness of grouper. Besides, the Executive Chef has also curated a series of palatable grouper dishes for patrons using the finest ingredients including Poached Rice with Grouper and Minced Meat, Braised Grouper with Lettuce, Garlic, Pork Belly and Chinese Mushroom, Double-boiled Grouper Soup with Wolf Berries, Dried Longan and Diced Pork, Stir-fried Grouper with Chicken Fillet, Celery and Mixed Bell Peppers and more.

Classic Local Favourites Glutinous Rice Noodles (“doggie” noodles, commonly known in local market) with Barbecued Kurobuta Pork: Doggie noodles was one of the all-time favourite local food sold around the public housing estates and is very nostalgic for the Hong Kong locals. Served in rich broth made of dried shrimps, mushroom and crispy pork lard, this hearty bowl of noodles is soft, filling and delicious. The whole bowl is elevated by the tender and juicy barbecued Kurobuta pork that perfectly complements the noodles and broth.

Nostalgic Snacks: Some of the retro snacks are bound to evoke some feelings of nostalgia if you spent your childhood in Hong Kong. The Executive Chef has specially selected some iconic and savoury childhood snacks to the buffet spread including the moist and fluffy White Sugar Cake, traditional Candy and Coconut Wrap, Hand-pulled

Dragon Beard Candy, Golden Sweet Egg Twists, crunchy and chewy Peanut Candy, which will surely bring you a taste of nostalgia.

Moreover, you can indulge in our delectable buffet spread ranging from healthy salad bar, Asia noodles bar, dim sum, sushi and sashimi, Mövenpick ice cream and delicate desserts, all freshly prepared by our dedicated culinary service team.

3 September to 21 November 2018

Lunch Buffet (12:00 noon – 2:30pm): Adult buffet: HK$338 (Mon-Fri & Eve of PH) / HK$418 (Sat-Sun & PH) Child buffet: HK$238 (Mon-Fri & Eve of PH) / HK$288 (Sat-Sun & PH)
Dinner Buffet (6:00 – 9:30pm): Adult buffet: HK$618 (Mon-Fri) / HK$668 (Sat-Sun, Eve of PH & PH) Child buffet: HK$378 (Mon-Fri) / HK$428 (Sat-Sun, Eve of PH & PH) 10% service charge applies

Book Cafe on the Park Royal Pacific Hotel 柏景餐廳 - 皇家太平洋酒店 - OKiBook Hong Kong Restaurant REservation 1,000 reward-U points - OKiBook Hong Kong Restaurant Buffet booking 自助餐預訂香港

October Members Dining Offers 10月會員獨家優惠 - OKiBook Hong Kong Restaurant Buffet booking 自助餐預訂香港  


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