add@Prince去年首次推出以芝士蛋糕為主題的下午茶自助餐,反應熱烈,今年再次於9月至11月期間的週末及公眾假期期間供應「芝」味難忘下午茶自助餐,餅廚推介包括太子酒店的招牌藍莓芝士餅、法國干邑朱古力芝士蛋糕、中式豆腐芝士蛋糕、日式栗子芝士蛋糕、德國芝士蛋糕 及開心果合桃芝士蛋糕,一共12款不同味道的芝士蛋糕,芝士愛好者絕對不可錯過。
下午茶: 自助餐成人價錢:港幣258(星期六至日及公眾假期) 自助餐兒童價錢:港幣$158(星期六至日及公眾假期) 自助餐長者價錢 (60歲或以上):港幣$238(星期六至日及公眾假期) 適用於2018年11月25號前
During weekends and public holidays from September until November, add@Prince’s talented pastry team presents ‘Creamy Cheesecake Creations’, showcasing 12 types of delicious cheesecakes during the afternoon tea buffet.
By popular demand, the cheesecake-themed afternoon tea buffet returns with add@Prince presenting the ‘Creamy Cheesecake Creations’ Afternoon Tea Buffet during weekends and public holidays from September until November. Twelve types of delicious cheesecakes and accompaniments will grace the buffet tables. The smooth and rich hand-crafted cheesecakes will melt in your mouth, leaving you longing for just one more bite. Chef highlights include Signature Blueberry Cheesecake, France Brandy Chocolate Cheesecake, Chinese Bean Curd Cheesecake, Japanese Chestnut Cheesecake, German Quark Cheesecake and Pistachio and Walnut Cheesecake.
Afternoon-tea: Adult buffet: HK$258 (Sat-Sun & PH) Child buffet: HK$158 (Sat-Sun & PH) Senior buffet (60+): HK$238 (Sat-Sun & PH)
10% service charge applies Available until 25 November, 2018