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${Intl.NumberFormat().format(points.value)} points
「維港 Bun Fun 月兔賞」下午茶 / Afternoon Tea with the Moon Rabbit @ Pierside - The Royal Pacific Hotel & Towers

「維港 Bun Fun 月兔賞」下午茶 / Afternoon Tea with the Moon Rabbit @ Pierside - The Royal Pacific Hotel & Towers


Read in English

堤岸餐廳及酒吧將於巨型月兔展出期間,誠獻「維港 Bun Fun 月兔賞」下午茶,各款精緻鹹甜 點均注入中秋元素,充滿歡愉氣息,包括幼滑可口的柿子意式奶凍、柚子慕絲蛋糕、賣相可愛 別緻的楊桃林明頓、嫦娥奔月 (香梨棒棒蛋糕)、備受歡迎的經典英式鬆餅及阿拉斯加皇帝蟹肉 迷你比得包,還有巧手製作的迷你月餅等,飲品可配即磨咖啡或有機花茶。維港美景及潔白如 玉的月兔們近在眼前,為您的午後時光倍添甜蜜愜意。 港幣$398+10% (兩位用) 2018年9月22日至10月14日 (星期六及日下午3時至5時30分)
巨型月兔登陸香江 以耀目光彩照亮中港城:
今年中秋,與巨型發光充氣月兔一起歡度佳節, 讓團圓時刻過得更耀 目亮眼! 中港城今年破天荒打造「月兔.秋燈」主題展覽,聯乘享譽國際的著名澳洲藝術家 Amanda Parer,於 2018 年 9 月 19 日至 10 月 17 日期間展出 5 隻巨型月兔藝術裝置,與奪目 的發光大白兔同賀中秋。是次展覽曾於世界各地 80 多個城市包括加拿大、芬蘭、德國、土耳其 及美國等展出,反應熱烈,今年首次登陸香江,與香港人近距離共慶佳節。 中港城向來以夕陽美景及別具特色的金色建築群馳名,加上壯麗的維港景致,選址中港城舉辦 此盛事最適合不過。在展覽期間,中港城偌大的海景平臺將舉行一連串中秋慶節活動,打響頭 炮的是 9 月 24 日中秋月圓之夜的「LED 火龍巡遊」,歡迎一家大小攜帶花燈前來參加火龍花燈 派對,更可嘗試加入舞火龍隊伍,與龍獅隊在一片鑼鼓聲中穿梭,感受震撼氣氛。9 月 29 日將 上演「金色夕陽音樂節」,來自不同國家的音樂團隊於夜幕降臨之際,在夕陽及海港映照下帶 領大家展開一場音樂之旅。如您熱愛瑜伽,不妨參加 10 月 7 及 11 日舉行的「黃昏戶外瑜 伽」,於夕陽美景及維港襯托下淨化心靈,享受一次難忘的瑜伽體驗。
Book PIerside Bar & Restaurant - Royal Pacific 堤岸酒吧及餐廳 - 皇家太平洋酒店- OKiBook Hong Kong - Restaurants, Buffet, Booking, Reviews Deals, Discounts, Dining Promotions 香港,餐廳及預訂,自助餐, 評價,折扣,優惠, 餐飲促銷 OKiBook Hong Kong - Restaurant & Buffet Booking Reviews Discounts Promotions - OKiBook香港,餐廳及自助餐預訂, 評價,折扣,優惠 1,000 reward-U points - OKiBook Hong Kong Restaurant Buffet booking 自助餐預訂香港
October Members Dining Offers 10月會員獨家優惠 - OKiBook Hong Kong Restaurant Buffet booking 自助餐預訂香港  

Pierside Bar & Restaurant will tempt your palate with the Mid-Autumn Festival-themed afternoon tea during the exhibition period. “Afternoon Tea with Moon Rabbit” features all the fruity delicacies matching the Full Moon Festival including silk-like Persimmon Panna Cotta, Yuzu Mousse Cake, the cutest Star Fruit Lamington and the adorable Pear Lollipop, plus the the crumbliest scone, Alaska King Crab with Mini Pita Bread, Mini Mooncakes hand-crafted by the talented chef team and more.

HK$398+10% for two persons including freshly brewed coffee or organic tea

Available from 22 September to 14 October 2018, Saturday to Sunday, 3pm to 5:30pm

Giant “Moon Rabbit” art installation lands in Hong Kong Staged in China Hong Kong City
This year, the traditional Mid-Autumn Festival is going to be bigger and brighter than ever. China Hong Kong City joins hand with Amanda Parer, the world-renowned Australian artist and the creator of giant inflatable rabbits, presenting the “Moon Rabbit Lumiere” exhibition between 19 September and 17 October 2018 (both dates inclusive) in Hong Kong for its first time. Staged in China Hong Kong City, the “Moon Rabbit Lumiere” will be launched, alongside a series of “Moonie Bunny Fiesta” dining and accommodation offers by The Royal Pacific Hotel & Towers.

In collaboration with the world-famous Amanda Parer, 5 dreamlike inflatable giant rabbits will station at China Hong Kong City, a glittering gold-colour building that offers a panoramic sunset view over Victoria Harbour. Exhibited in more than 80 cities in countries including Canada, Finland, Germany, Turkey and the US, the iconic inflatable illuminated rabbits finally land in Hong Kong.

Pay a visit to the podium level of China Hong Kong City and join the “Moon-ificent” festivities during the “Moon Rabbit Lumiere” exhibition period. Start off the celebrations with LED Fire Dragon Dance surrounded with giant rabbit lanterns on the Mid-Autumn Festival (24 September 2018). The “Golden Sunset Music Festival” on 29 September 2018 (Saturday) soaking in the live music performance by international musicians while overlooking the breathtaking skyline of Hong Kong. Look no further than the “Moon Rabbit Sunset Yoga” if you enjoy practicing yoga and mindfulness against the backdrop of a striking harbour view on 7 and 11 October 2018.

Book PIerside Bar & Restaurant - Royal Pacific 堤岸酒吧及餐廳 - 皇家太平洋酒店- OKiBook Hong Kong - Restaurants, Buffet, Booking, Reviews Deals, Discounts, Dining Promotions 香港,餐廳及預訂,自助餐, 評價,折扣,優惠, 餐飲促銷

OKiBook Hong Kong - Restaurant & Buffet Booking Reviews Discounts Promotions - OKiBook香港,餐廳及自助餐預訂, 評價,折扣,優惠 1,000 reward-U points - OKiBook Hong Kong Restaurant Buffet booking 自助餐預訂香港
October Members Dining Offers 10月會員獨家優惠 - OKiBook Hong Kong Restaurant Buffet booking 自助餐預訂香港  

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