糕餅行政主廚何維城 (Danny Ho) 表示:「很榮幸我們有份參與粉紅甜品2018,每年十月,世界各地都舉辦不同形式的活動,以提高公眾對乳癌的關注。酒店除了捐款支持香港遺傳性乳癌家族資料庫外,為響應此活動,我特意為9月及11月的下午茶設計了一系列粉紅色茶點,當中包括士多啤梨玫瑰奶凍、紅桑子玫瑰泡芙、白朱古力玫瑰法式小圓餅、紅菜汁醃三文魚、鮮蝦沙律多士、敏魚籽醬等。」
It’s Pinktober or Breast Cancer Awareness month just around the corner and at Hotel ICON, we stand tall with women across Hong Kong and the world in raising awareness and promoting detection of breast cancer. From 10 September until 30 November 2018, Hotel ICON’s lobby dining room GREEN will be presenting a pink-themed #PinkSensationAfternoonTea, designed by Executive Pastry Chef, Danny Ho.
“As a strong supporter of local organisations and businesses; Hotel ICON will be making a generous donation to the Hong Kong Hereditary Breast Cancer Family Registry in support of their efforts to raise awareness for breast cancer. Additionally, millions of people wear the colour pink throughout the month of October to show their support to anyone affected by breast cancer; branding it the official colour of the month. In honour of this, pink has been interwoven into the treats featured in the Pink Sensation Afternoon Tea set,” said Chef Danny.
The set features intricately designed and mouth-watering savories and sweets such as Taramasalata with Caviar, Pastrami Reuben Sandwiches, Shrimp Salad on Toast, Vanilla Strawberry Rose Panna Cotta, Chocolate-Dipped Strawberry and the special Swan-shaped Raspberry Coulis with Rose Choux.
Danny also explained that “Swans are symbols of love, strength, and power. They are able to maintain their elegance and beauty throughout the entirety of their journey, and that is something reflected in every woman undergoing something as challenging as breast cancer”.
A complimentary Pink Sensation drink will be gifted to every guest who wears the colour pink to show their support for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Further lacing our Afternoon Tea with pink treats, diners may also enjoy unlimited Häagen-Dazs™ “pink” ice-cream ranging from Strawberry Frozen Yogurt, to other pink flavours- Strawberry Cheesecake, Raspberry Sorbet, Azuki Bean, Summer Berries & Cream, and others. A HK$50 Häagen-Dazs™ cash voucher (per set) completes the heavenly set.
10 September – 30 November 2018, 15:00 – 17:00 and 17:00 – 19:00.
$288+10% per person / $546+10% for two persons