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神秘花園復活節盛宴 / Secret Garden Easter Buffet @ Yamm - The Mira Hong Kong

神秘花園復活節盛宴 / Secret Garden Easter Buffet @ Yamm - The Mira Hong Kong



Read in English

這個復活節,置身Yamm綠意盎然的神秘花園,由惹人垂涎的牛油果釀蛋、巴馬火腿配鵪鶉蛋及綠橡葉沙律,展開味覺一新的尋蛋之旅。細味香濃多汁的即切烤肉如烤羊扒配火箭菜及紅石榴,還有慢燒羊髀蒜蓉番茜保雲酥;品嚐於早午自助餐深受歡迎的新鮮即開生蠔及香煎鵝肝,讓精緻朱古力蛋糕及糖果滿足嗜甜味蕾,加上復活節賓尼兔、攤位遊戲及兒童烹飪班,讓您投入COCO神秘花園的香甜國度! 4月19至22日供應 自助早午餐(早上11時30分至下午2時30分): 4月19日:HK$458 (成人) HK$288 (小童) 4月20至22日: HK$488 (成人) HK$288 (小童) 自助晚餐(晚上6時30分至10時正):  4月19至21日;HK$728 (成人) HK$428 (小童) 4月22日: HK$688 (成人) HK$398 (小童) 自助下午茶(下午3時30分至下午 5時45分) 4月19至22日:HK$268 (成人) HK$168 (小童) 所有價目另收加一服務費。




    • 牛油果釀蛋
    • 巴馬火腿配鵪鶉蛋及綠橡葉沙律
  • Yamm The Mira Hong Kong - OKiBook Hong Kong and Macau Restaurant Buffet booking 餐廳和自助餐預訂香港和澳門 - Easter Buffet 3
    • 火焰三文魚壽司配青蔥
    • 軟殼蟹天婦羅配海苔青芥末蛋黃醬
    • 香煎鵝肝配青蘋果、羅勒油及黑醋
  • Yamm The Mira Hong Kong - OKiBook Hong Kong and Macau Restaurant Buffet booking 餐廳和自助餐預訂香港和澳門 - Easter Buffet 2
    • 香烤羊扒配紅石榴及火箭菜沙律
  • Yamm The Mira Hong Kong - OKiBook Hong Kong and Macau Restaurant Buffet booking 餐廳和自助餐預訂香港和澳門 - Easter Buffet 5
    • 蒜蓉荷蘭芹保雲酥配慢燒羊脾
    • 檸檬葉牛油香烤雞扒
    • 煎三文魚配青豆溶及香檳忌廉汁
    • 蒜香菠菜焗蠔
  • Yamm The Mira Hong Kong  - OKiBook Hong Kong and Macau Restaurant Buffet booking 餐廳和自助餐預訂香港和澳門 - Easter Buffet 4
    • 復活節主題朱古力甜點及酥餅: – 復活節彩蛋麵包 – 傳統復活節十字麵包 – 意大利經典奶凍Panna Cotta – 甘筍花園(傳統甘筍蛋糕) – "Eggs-tra"特濃朱古力蛋糕(70%黑朱古力Ganache配伯爵茶) – 兔子最愛蛋糕(30%白朱古力配甘筍果凍)


  • 即開新鮮生蠔
  • 蒸波士頓龍蝦凍食(只限自助晚餐供應)


  • 魔幻氣球及彩印氣球
  • 朱古力甜品角落包括逾10款精美手工甜品
  • 復活兔大步走
  • 遊戲攤位
  • COCO 魔幻復活節花園
  • 小童烹飪班: 4月19日 – 迷你地中海薄餅 4月20日 – 南瓜配煙肉洋蔥餡餅 4月21日 – 日式茶碗蒸 4月22 日 – 牛油曲奇配雲呢拿糖霜

Yamm The Mira Hong Kong - OKiBook Hong Kong - Restaurants, Buffet, Booking, Reviews Deals, Discounts, Dining Promotions 香港,餐廳及預訂,自助餐, 評價,折扣,優惠, 餐飲促銷 1,000 reward-U points - OKiBook Hong Kong Restaurant Buffet booking 自助餐預訂香港

April 2019 Members Dining Offers 4月會員獨家優惠 - OKiBook Hong Kong and Macau Restaurant Buffet booking 餐廳和自助餐預訂香港和澳門

This Easter, eggs don’t get much more perfect than at Yamm which serves Deviled Eggs with Avocado as well as Parma Ham and Quail Egg Salad next to juicy Grilled Lamb Chops with Rocket and Pomegranate and a slow-roasted Lamb Leg a la Provencal at the carving station. Fresh oysters and pan-fried foie gras are our brunch staple but leave room for desserts and expect a mini chocolate farm with delicious sweets to smash at COCO turned into a green garden!

Available from 19 Apr – 22 Apr Brunch (11:30am – 2:30pm): 19 Apr: HK$458 (Adult) HK$288 (Child) 20 – 22 Apr: HK$488 (Adult) HK$288 (Child) Dinner (6:30pm – 10pm):  19 – 21 Apr: HK$728 (Adult) HK$428 (Child) 22 Apr: HK$688 (Adult) HK$398 (Child) Afternoon Tea Buffet (3:30pm – 5:45pm):  19 – 22 Apr: HK$268 (Adult) HK$168 (Child) 10% service charge applies.

Easter egg-citement returns to Yamm which turns into a magical secret garden with fabulous entertainment designed for kids and those who chose to never grow up!

Come and feast with your family and friends on a hilarious selection of bunny shaped specials from salads and mouth-watering cold cuts to sensational dessert drenched in chocolate!

Easter Buffet Specials:

    • Avocado Deviled Eggs
    • Parma Ham with Quail Egg and Oak Leaf Green Salad
  • Yamm The Mira Hong Kong - OKiBook Hong Kong and Macau Restaurant Buffet booking 餐廳和自助餐預訂香港和澳門 - Easter Buffet 3
    • Torched Salmon Temari Sushi with Japanese Mayo & Spring Onion
    • Soft Shell Crab Tempura with Seaweed and Wasabi Mayo
    • Pan-Fried Foie Gras with Green Apple, Basil Oil and Balsamic
  • Yamm The Mira Hong Kong - OKiBook Hong Kong and Macau Restaurant Buffet booking 餐廳和自助餐預訂香港和澳門 - Easter Buffet 2
    • Grilled Lamb Chops with Rocket and Pomegranate
  • Yamm The Mira Hong Kong  - OKiBook Hong Kong and Macau Restaurant Buffet booking 餐廳和自助餐預訂香港和澳門 - Easter Buffet 5
    • Carving of Slow Roasted Lamb Leg with Garlic Parsley Provencal
    • Grilled Chicken with Lemon Crust and Mint Leaf Butter
    • Pan-Fried Salmon with Green Pea Puree and Champagne Cream Sauce
    • Baked Oyster with Garlic Spinach Butter
  • Yamm The Mira Hong Kong  - OKiBook Hong Kong and Macau Restaurant Buffet booking 餐廳和自助餐預訂香港和澳門 - Easter Buffet 4
    • Easter Chocolate Desserts & Pastries: – Easter Egg-tress Bread – Traditional Easter Cross Bun – Sunny Side Up Coconut Panacotta – Carrot Garden (Traditional Carrot Cake) – Eggs-tra Chocolate Cake (70% Dark Chocolate Ganache & Earl Grey Tea) – Bunny’s Favorite Cupcake (30% White Chocolate and Carrot Jelly)


  • Freshly Shucked Oysters
  • Freshly Steamed Boston Lobsters on Ice (served at dinner buffet only)

Easter Brunch Fun for Kids:

  • Balloon Twisting & Balloon Printing
  • Chocolate Table with Over a Dozen of Desserts
  • Easter Bunny
  • Game Booth
  • Secret Easter Garden at COCO
  • Cooking Class for Kids: 19 Apr – Mini Mediterranean Pesto Pizza 20 Apr – Pumpkin with Bacon and Onion Quiche 21 Apr – Chawanmushi – Japanese Styled Steamed Egg with Prawn & Mushroom 22 Apr – Easter Butter Cookie with Vanilla Icing

Yamm The Mira Hong Kong - OKiBook Hong Kong - Restaurants, Buffet, Booking, Reviews Deals, Discounts, Dining Promotions 香港,餐廳及預訂,自助餐, 評價,折扣,優惠, 餐飲促銷 OKiBook Hong Kong - Restaurant & Buffet Booking Reviews Discounts Promotions - OKiBook香港,餐廳及自助餐預訂, 評價,折扣,優惠 1,000 reward-U points - OKiBook Hong Kong Restaurant Buffet booking 自助餐預訂香港

April 2019 Members Dining Offers 4月會員獨家優惠 - OKiBook Hong Kong and Macau Restaurant Buffet booking 餐廳和自助餐預訂香港和澳門


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