唯港薈 (Hotel ICON) 誠意將台灣陽光燦爛的山丘,獨特濃郁的風味帶到大堂餐廳GREEN,呈獻微熱山丘鳳梨主題下午茶,於5月1日至6月30日期間限定供應。微熱山丘以台灣土產鳳梨製作出各式糕餅,選用最天然的食材,沒有人工添加,細心烘焙成樸素的美味。
下午茶食客將可在空間偌大的餐廳,細味充滿牛油香及清香酸甜的鳳梨酥,與此同時,唯港薈的行政糕餅總廚何維城 Danny 亦以鳳梨及時令水果精心設計了一系列茶點,包括柑橘鳳梨法式小圓餅、鳳梨薄荷椰果凍、雲呢拿鳳梨泡芙。還有精緻鹹美點,包括蘇格蘭煙三文魚黑魚子多士、鳳梨蜜糖火腿串、蘆筍蘑菇橽、辣蝦配鳳梨醬、鴨肝批配辣椒鳳梨茸等。於品味各款茶點同時,每位伴以一款即磨咖啡、茶或自家製檸檬汁, 讓您和摯友安坐瑰麗幽靜的垂直花園下細嘆下午茶,成就美好的下午。
All time Classics
Traditional and Freshly Baked Chocolate Scones with Clotted Cream, Jam and Nutella
Scottish Smoked Salmon with Roe on Toast
Honey Glazed Ham with Pineapple Cube
Baked Mushroom Quiche with Asparagus
Cajun Spiced Shrimp with Pineapple Salsa
Duck Liver Terrine with Chili Pineapple Puree
Citrus Pineapple Macaron
Pineapple Cube
Vanilla Cream with Pineapple Choux
Coconut and Pineapple Mango Cream
Passion Fruit Pineapple Jelly
Served with homemade lemonade, freshly brewed coffee or a selection of tea

All time Classics
Traditional and Freshly Baked Chocolate Scones with Clotted Cream, Jam and Nutella
Scottish Smoked Salmon with Roe on Toast
Honey Glazed Ham with Pineapple Cube
Baked Mushroom Quiche with Asparagus
Cajun Spiced Shrimp with Pineapple Salsa
Duck Liver Terrine with Chili Pineapple Puree
Citrus Pineapple Macaron
Pineapple Cube
Vanilla Cream with Pineapple Choux
Coconut and Pineapple Mango Cream
Passion Fruit Pineapple Jelly
Served with homemade lemonade, freshly brewed coffee or a selection of tea
1 May – 30 June 2019, 15:30-17:30 from Monday to Friday, 15:00-17:00 & 17:00-19:00 on Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays
HK$288+10% per person / HK$546+10% for two persons