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多謝您使用 OKiBook!由於我們的會員計劃將做出升級調整,OKiBook Club 會員優惠碼將於 2024 年 10 月 1 日 起暫停服務直至另行通知。

於會員優惠碼暫停服務期間,已登記的 OKiBook Club 會員將仍可通過我們的訂座平台 及 網上商店 累積會員積分,積分有效期將暫不設到期日,直至另行通知。OKiBook Club 會員於 2024 年 10 月 1 日 前仍可將積分兌換成優惠碼,並於 作購物用途。新會員計劃的推出日期及時間,因應實際系統升級安排另行通知。不便之處,敬請見諒。如有查詢,請聯絡 OKiBook 客戶服務部電郵 [email protected],我們將於辦公時間內回覆。

Thank you for using OKiBook! We would like to inform you that our membership program will undergo an upgrade adjustment. As a result, the OKiBook Club membership discount code service will be temporarily suspended starting from 1 October, 2024, until further notice.

During the period of suspension of the membership discount code service, registered OKiBook Club members will still be able to accumulate membership points through our booking platform at and our online store at The validity period of the points will be extended until further notice. OKiBook Club members can continue to redeem points for discount codes and use them for shopping at until 1 October, 2024.

The announcement date and time of the new membership plan will be notified separately based on the actual system upgrade arrangements. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have any inquiries, please contact OKiBook Customer Service at [email protected], and we will respond during office hours.

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Date: ${points.created_at_long}
Points converted: ${points.title_ch} #${points.voucher_id}${points.reservation_id}${points.discount_code}
Date: ${points.created_at_long}
${Intl.NumberFormat().format(points.value)} points
${status_en[points.status_text]} ${status_ch[points.status_text]}
${Intl.NumberFormat().format(points.value)} points
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多謝您使用 OKiBook!由於我們的會員計劃將做出升級調整,OKiBook Club 會員優惠碼將於 2024 年 10 月 1 日 起暫停服務直至另行通知。

於會員優惠碼暫停服務期間,已登記的 OKiBook Club 會員將仍可通過我們的訂座平台 及 網上商店 累積會員積分,積分有效期將暫不設到期日,直至另行通知。OKiBook Club 會員於 2024 年 10 月 1 日 前仍可將積分兌換成優惠碼,並於 作購物用途。新會員計劃的推出日期及時間,因應實際系統升級安排另行通知。不便之處,敬請見諒。如有查詢,請聯絡 OKiBook 客戶服務部電郵 [email protected],我們將於辦公時間內回覆。

Thank you for using OKiBook! We would like to inform you that our membership program will undergo an upgrade adjustment. As a result, the OKiBook Club membership discount code service will be temporarily suspended starting from 1 October, 2024, until further notice.

During the period of suspension of the membership discount code service, registered OKiBook Club members will still be able to accumulate membership points through our booking platform at and our online store at The validity period of the points will be extended until further notice. OKiBook Club members can continue to redeem points for discount codes and use them for shopping at until 1 October, 2024.

The announcement date and time of the new membership plan will be notified separately based on the actual system upgrade arrangements. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have any inquiries, please contact OKiBook Customer Service at [email protected], and we will respond during office hours.

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Date: ${points.created_at_long}
Points converted: ${points.title_ch} #${points.voucher_id}${points.reservation_id}${points.discount_code}
Date: ${points.created_at_long}
${Intl.NumberFormat().format(points.value)} points
${status_en[points.status_text]} ${status_ch[points.status_text]}
${Intl.NumberFormat().format(points.value)} points
Balance: ${Intl.NumberFormat().format(} points
Points balance: ${Intl.NumberFormat().format(} points See History
Points earned: ${Intl.NumberFormat().format(} points
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${Intl.NumberFormat().format(points.value - points.used)} points
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Balance: ${Intl.NumberFormat().format(} points

多謝您使用 OKiBook!由於我們的會員計劃將做出升級調整,OKiBook Club 會員優惠碼將於 2024 年 10 月 1 日 起暫停服務直至另行通知。

於會員優惠碼暫停服務期間,已登記的 OKiBook Club 會員將仍可通過我們的訂座平台 及 網上商店 累積會員積分,積分有效期將暫不設到期日,直至另行通知。OKiBook Club 會員於 2024 年 10 月 1 日 前仍可將積分兌換成優惠碼,並於 作購物用途。新會員計劃的推出日期及時間,因應實際系統升級安排另行通知。不便之處,敬請見諒。如有查詢,請聯絡 OKiBook 客戶服務部電郵 [email protected],我們將於辦公時間內回覆。

Thank you for using OKiBook! We would like to inform you that our membership program will undergo an upgrade adjustment. As a result, the OKiBook Club membership discount code service will be temporarily suspended starting from 1 October, 2024, until further notice.

During the period of suspension of the membership discount code service, registered OKiBook Club members will still be able to accumulate membership points through our booking platform at and our online store at The validity period of the points will be extended until further notice. OKiBook Club members can continue to redeem points for discount codes and use them for shopping at until 1 October, 2024.

The announcement date and time of the new membership plan will be notified separately based on the actual system upgrade arrangements. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have any inquiries, please contact OKiBook Customer Service at [email protected], and we will respond during office hours.

My Rewards
Balance: ${Intl.NumberFormat().format(} points
No rewards
Issue date: ${codes.created_date_long}
Expiry date: ${codes.expiry_date_long}
Used at: ${codes.redeemed_at_long} Expiry date: ${codes.expiry_date_long}
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Points Activities History
Balance: ${Intl.NumberFormat().format(} points
Earned/ Withdrawn
No records
Points converted: ${points.title_en} #${points.voucher_id}${points.reservation_id}${points.discount_code}
Date: ${points.created_at_long}
Points converted: ${points.title_ch} #${points.voucher_id}${points.reservation_id}${points.discount_code}
Date: ${points.created_at_long}
${Intl.NumberFormat().format(points.value)} points
${status_en[points.status_text]} ${status_ch[points.status_text]}
${Intl.NumberFormat().format(points.value)} points
父親節 / Delicious Ways to Celebrate Father’s Day @ Holiday Inn Golden Mile

父親節 / Delicious Ways to Celebrate Father’s Day @ Holiday Inn Golden Mile


Read in English

尖沙咀金域假日酒店為替您傳情達意,預備了多款佳餚美意,讓您的父親大人能夠在今年度過一個不一樣的父親節。 Bistro on the Mile:

Bistro on the Mile的廚師於父親節為您與家人花盡心思,並預備了琳琅滿目的日式及海鮮美優自助晚餐,冷盤美食包括有甜虾、帶子刺身、凍蝦、凍藍青口、翡翠螺、長腳蟹、凍龍蝦、新鮮生蠔等。而熱盤則有炸軟殼蟹、帆立貝串燒、日式蟹肉蒸蛋、照燒魷魚筒、蟹肉忌廉湯、燉海參花膠湯、扒各式海鮮、白汁芝士焗蠔、香煎鴨肝配焦糖蘋果、燒有骨肉眼扒泰式炒蟹、北京填鴨,與及每位可獲贈芝士焗龍蝦一客。壓軸甜品更是數不完,源源不絕供應的Haagen Dazs雪糕、開心果草莓蛋糕、黑加崙子雲哩拿蛋糕及茉莉石榴蘋果蛋糕等。父親節自助午餐每位港幣$368; 自助晚餐每位港幣 $668*;宵夜自助餐每位港幣 $318*。

Book Bistro on the Mie Holiday inn Golden Mile 金域假日酒店 OKiBook Hong Kong and Macau  Restaurant Buffet booking 餐廳和自助餐預訂香港和澳門 Osteria 意大利餐廳: Osteria意大利餐廳意藉總廚Paolo Federici特別設計了「四道菜式半自助意大利海鮮午餐」,以饗各位敬愛的父親。自助海鮮頭盤設有十多款海鮮如新鮮生蠔、長腳蟹、青口、半殼波士頓龍蝦、八爪魚、帶子、龍蝦沙律、意大利冷盤、芝士及意式小食等,四道菜式套餐更包括龍蝦湯,主菜可選雜錦海鮮辣椒意大利粉、香煎銀鱈魚、菲力牛排或煙火腿黑松露忌廉雜菌薄餠,以及多款自助意大利甜品及時令水果等。四道菜式半自助意大利海鮮午餐,每位港幣$368*。此外,餐廳也會供應四道菜式半自助意大利海鮮晚餐,菜式包括有自助頭盤、紅菜頭湯伴辣蟹肉乳酪、七款自選主菜及甜品意大利芝士蛋糕,顧客只需加 HK$109,即可於兩小時內任飲指定紅白酒、啤酒、橙汁及汽水,四道菜式晚餐,每位港幣$618-718*。

Father’s Day Set Dinner(6月15/16號):

自助頭盤 *** 紅菜頭湯伴辣蟹肉沙律及乳酪汁 *** 大蝦帶子意大利麵 or 龍蝦意大利飯 or 烤豬肉鮮蕃茄水牛芝士羅勒醤薄餅 or 香煎地中海鱸魚,蠶豆汁,烤雜菜 羊鞍,卷豚腮肉配甘荀茸及焗小茴香 or 香草加拿大牛柳配迷迭香烤薯仔及扒雜菜 or 薄牛仔扒配黑松露汁,炒雜菌及馬鈴薯 *** 意大利芝士蛋糕

主菜選意大利粉或薄餅HK$618 主菜選肉類或魚類 HK$718

Book Osteria Holiday inn Golden Mile Osteria 意大利餐廳 - 金域假日酒店 OKiBook Hong Kong and Macau Restaurant Buffet booking 餐廳和自助餐預訂香港和澳門 龍苑中菜廳: 龍苑中菜廳為了配合不同家庭大小的需要,分別設計了四位至十位用的節日餐宴,精選菜式包括有鮑汁花膠扣柱甫、清蒸沙巴龍躉、上湯焗波士頓龍蝦、姬松茸響螺燉雞湯、鴻運乳豬大拼盤、龍苑招牌炸子雞及X.O 醬鴛鴦玉帶子等,套餐由港幣$ 2,888* 至 $ 5,888* 不等,餐廳同時供應點心及自選菜單。

Loong Yuen Holiday Inn Golden Mile 龍苑中菜廳 金域假日酒店 - OKiBook Hong Kong - Restaurants, Buffet, Booking, Reviews Deals, Discounts, Dining Promotions 香港,餐廳及預訂,自助餐, 評價,折扣,優惠, 餐飲促銷

  616  星期日
Bistro on the Mile 自助午餐 (12:00-14:30) 成人HK$368* 長者 $294 小童 $257 自助晚餐 (18:000-21:15) 成人HK$668*   長者 $534 小童 $467
Osteria 意大利餐廳 四道菜式半自助意大利海鮮午餐 每位港幣$368* 四道菜式半自助意大利海鮮晚餐 每位港幣$618-718*
龍苑中菜廳 節日套餐 HK $2,888* - 4人用 HK $3,888* - 6人用 HK $5,888* - 10人用



Father's Day 2019 父親節 - OKiBook Hong Kong and Macau Restaurant Buffet booking 餐廳和自助餐預訂香港和澳門 banner OKiBook Hong Kong and Macau Restaurant Buffet booking 餐廳和自助餐預訂香港和澳門 - June members offers

There are plenty of options to make Dad happy this Father’s Day. What better way to express your appreciation than to spend some precious time with good ole Dad and indulge his love of good food. Some of the best deals in town are happening at the Holiday Inn Golden Mile.

Loong Yuen Cantonese Restaurant:

Renowned for its superior Cantonese cuisine, the award-winning Cantonese restaurant Loong Yuen offers a choice of three special Father’s Day set menus for parties of four (HK$2,888*), six (HK$3,888*) and up to ten people (HK$5,888*).

Loong Yuen Holiday Inn Golden Mile 龍苑中菜廳 金域假日酒店 - OKiBook Hong Kong - Restaurants, Buffet, Booking, Reviews Deals, Discounts, Dining Promotions 香港,餐廳及預訂,自助餐, 評價,折扣,優惠, 餐飲促銷

Osteria Ristorante Italiano:

Bringing Italian passion to celebrate Father's Day, the Father’s Day set dinner at the Osteria Ristorante Italiano, is a veritable feast of an assortment of dishes created with authentic Italian flair. You can expect a catch of the freshest, mouth-watering appetizer buffet of cold cuts, cheese, antipasti, grilled vegetables, and a selection of salads including tuna, chicken, shrimp and beans, followed by a Blended beetroot soup, yogurt sauce, spicy crab meat salad and your choice of a main dish. To finish off the dinner guests can indulge in the Osteria tiramisu which will definitely make Dad’s smile. A la carte is also available for dinner.

Father’s Day Set Dinner (15-16 June): Appetizer Buffet *** Blended beetroot soup, yogurt sauce, spicy crab meat salad *** Spaghetti Mancini with prawns, scallops, Italian brandy reduction or Carnaroli risotto, slow cooked lobster, peas, crustacean sauce or White pizza, porchetta, fresh tomatoes, buffalo mozzarella, basil pesto or Mediterranean sea bass, cream of broad beans, roasted vegetables Lamb saddle, rolled in guanciale, carrot puree, baked fennels or Canadian beef tenderloin, grilled vegetables, rosemary roasted potatoes or Veal scaloppini, truffle sauce, sautéed mushrooms, potatoes *** Osteria tiramisu

HK$618 plus 10% service charge when choosing Pasta or Risotto or Pizza as a Main Course

HK$718 plus 10% service charge when choosing Fish or Meat as a Main Course

Book Osteria Holiday inn Golden Mile Osteria 意大利餐廳 - 金域假日酒店 OKiBook Hong Kong and Macau Restaurant Buffet booking 餐廳和自助餐預訂香港和澳門 Bistro on the Mile:

With its live action cooking stations, cross-cultural cuisines and tempting desserts, Bistro on the Mile is the Holiday Inn Golden Mile’s popular all-day dining venue.  You and your Dad can indulge in a splendid selection that includes Oysters, Half shell Boston lobster, shrimps in their shells, Blue mussels, Japanese crab leg, and Green whelk. Some highlights include Deep-fried soft crab and vegetable tempura, Crab Bisque, Peking duck, Wok-fried crab Thai style, Pan-fried duck foie gras, Baked oyster Florentine and Roasted prime rib. All of our guests will be served delicious Gratin Lobster Thermidor.

Book Bistro on the Mie Holiday inn Golden Mile 金域假日酒店 OKiBook Hong Kong and Macau  Restaurant Buffet booking 餐廳和自助餐預訂香港和澳門

  16 June, Sunday
Loong Yuen Cantonese Restaurant Special Set Dinner HK $2,888* - 4 person HK $3,888* - 6 person HK $5,888* - 10 person
Osteria Ristorante Italiano Semi-Appetizer Buffet 4-course Set Lunch HK$368 plus 10% service charge Semi-Appetizer Buffet 4-course Set Dinner HK$618 - $718 plus 10% service charge
Bistro on the Mile Lunch buffet (12:00 – 14:30) Adult HK$368* Senior HK$294* Child HK$257* Dinner buffet (18:30 – 21:15) Adult HK$668* Senior HK$534* Child HK$467* Supper buffet (21:30 –00:00) Adult HK$318* Senior HK$254* Child HK$222*
*All prices quoted are subject to a 10% service charge.


Father's Day 2019 父親節 - OKiBook Hong Kong and Macau Restaurant Buffet booking 餐廳和自助餐預訂香港和澳門 banner OKiBook Hong Kong and Macau Restaurant Buffet booking 餐廳和自助餐預訂香港和澳門 - June members offers



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