Kudos 於 7 月起推出「深海海鮮半自助晚餐」,特別搜羅多款深海海鮮,讓食客品嚐鮮甜的海鮮盛宴。
主打推介無限量供應的「阿根廷七吋紅蝦」。阿根廷紅蝦生長於阿根廷南部海域,營養價值高而且肉質鮮甜,刺身、天婦羅及鹽燒三種烹調方式絕對能滿足每一位食客的味蕾。大廚特別推介「智利帝王蟹」限定升級優惠,客人可以優惠價港幣 $888 升級享用一隻( 1.4 公斤起),備有芝士焗製、咖哩或避風塘風味三款烹調方式以供選擇。
一向大受歡迎的時令即開生蠔、冰鎮海鮮和日式刺身繼續為大家源源送上。另外,多達二十款前菜及熱盤輪流供應,包括鴨肝批伴香芒、櫻花蝦海帶沙律及美式燒豬背肋骨。八款精選主菜繼續滿足愛肉一族,特色推介烤或焗原隻新鮮波士頓龍蝦及美國黑安格斯T骨牛扒等。 Kudos_Dinner_Menu_July 2019 多款精緻甜品繼續為大家輪流送上,包括焦糖燉蛋、熱情果撻及斑蘭椰汁千層糕等。當然少不了 Häagen-Dazs 雪糕及即制乳酪軟雪糕。現以優惠價港幣$48 更可享用椰汁花膠雪耳燉鮮奶一客。
- 每檯 8 位或以上付費成人客人更可免費獲贈智利帝王蟹一隻( 1.4 公斤起) 晚餐: 自助餐成人價錢:HK$578(星期日至四)/ HK$598(星期五及六,公眾假期前夕及公眾假期) 自助餐兒童價錢:HK$358(星期日至四)/ HK$378(星期五及六,公眾假期前夕及公眾假期) 另加一服務費 7月1日至10月14日
Kudos proudly presents "Deep-sea Seafood Semi-Buffet Dinner" in July, specialising in a variety of deep-sea seafood to anchor this ocean-sweet feast!
Argentinian 7-inch Red Prawn with unlimited servings will surely be the star of the show. Nutrient-rich Argentinian Red Prawns grow in the waters of southern Argentina and known for its natural sweetness. From sashimi, tempura to shioyaki (grilled with salt), these three cooking methods can definitely satisfy the taste buds of every diner. Another chef’s recommendation is the Chilean King Crab limited upgrade offer. Guests can enjoy one Chilean King Crab at a special price of HKD $888 (1.4 kg up) and choose from baked with cheese, curry or sautéed with crispy fried garlic & cheese.
Freshly-shucked oyster, luscious seafood-on-ice and the Japanese sashimi will surely delight fans of seafood! More than 20 types of appetizers and hot dishes like Foie Gras Terrine with Mango, Sakura Shrimp and Seaweed Salad and Roasted Barbeque Pork Back Rib in American Style will be served on rotation.
Together with a selection of Häagen-Dazs Ice Cream and Italian gelato, our desserts on rotation feature crème brûlée, passion fruit tart and coconut milk & pandon cake. Guests can enjoy a bowl of coconut milk with snow fungus and fish maw at a special price of HK$48
- a table of 8 paying adults or above can enjoy one complimentary Whole Chilean King Crab (1.4kg up) Dinner: Adult buffet: HK$578 (Mon-Thu) / HK$598 (Fri-Sun, Eve of PH & PH) Child buffet: HK$358 (Mon-Thu) / HK$378 (Fri-Sun, Eve of PH & PH) 10% service charge applies Available 1 Jul - 14 Oct 2019