稻將熟、蟹長肥……時序入秋,蟹宴就像一場約定俗成的秋季盛事,讓人引頸以待,伙拍龍蝦登場,懾人魅力更叫人欣喜若狂。 灣景國際灣景廳於9-10月期間呈獻「龍蝦.蟹」 自助晚餐,以時令龍蝦及蟹演繹各式美饌佳餚,彰顯海中瑰寶殿堂級「味」力,加上麵包蟹、加拿大雪花蟹腳、新西蘭生
滋味驚喜 牛肝菌龍蝦芝士焗蟹蓋 (每位1客)
龍滋味 龍蝦清湯啫喱 上湯龍蝦伊麵 龍蝦茶碗蒸 香芒龍蝦鍋巴配是拉差辣醬 蟹滋味
潮式炸蟹棗 阿拉斯加蟹肉鮮茄芝士意大利飯 軟殼蟹牛油果米紙卷 港式粉絲蟹煲
以薑、蔥及唐芹起鑊,加入肉蟹快炒,鑊氣十足,增添滋味同時平衡螃蟹之寒氣,簡單以醬油及胡椒等調味,馥郁的香氣撲鼻而至,惹人垂涎,蟹肉肥美結實,當中盡吸精華的粉絲蟹味滿溢,如此風味十足又惹味無比的地道菜式必叫蟹迷吃得如痴如醉,停不了口。 精選甜品
甘栗芝士蛋糕 椰香菠蘿奇亞籽布甸 ^香煎沖繩紫薯餅配海鹽雪糕 先將紫薯蒸熟壓成綿軟細滑的紫薯蓉,再煎成酥香黏韌的紫薯餅,特配香脆的杏仁片及黑白芝麻,可口度升級,佐以自家調製的海鹽雪糕享用,兩款沖繩特產儼如帶您置身其中,加上冷熱交替的口感,是一次截然不同的味覺享受。 ^每晚8時起於甜品專區供應
另外,一向廣受歡迎的麵包蟹、加拿大雪花蟹腳、新西蘭生蠔、鮮蜆、鮮蝦及新西蘭青口等冰鎮海鮮均會輪流供應;各式刺身包括三文魚、八爪魚、鯛魚、北海道帶子、希靈魚、甜蝦、*北寄貝及*油甘魚等多達8種款式亦會源源輪流奉上,海鮮款式之多定必讓您花多眼亂且大飽口福。自助晚餐當然不少得各式新鮮沙律、切肉、 #香煎鴨肝及羊扒、燒美國西冷牛扒、烤德國腸拼盤、北京片皮鴨、清湯牛脷、韓式燒豬頸肉、砵酒燴豬軟骨、日式生薑野菜炒豬肉、香辣巴東雞、瑪莎拉酒清湯燴羊腿、蒸龍脷魚柳配香草忌廉汁、白酒煮青口、炒青口配刁草忌廉汁、沙嗲烤雞肉串、炒西蘭花伴蛋碎及杏片、泰式紅咖喱雜菜、日式燒汁烤茄子、雜肉腸薄餅、素菜薄餅、蝦肉燒賣、杞子豬肉燒賣、迷你奶皇包、清蒸沙巴龍躉、翡翠醬爆鮮魷、椒鹽鯧魚、竹笙蟹肉燴豆腐、花菇栗子炆雞、鰻魚雞粒炒飯、福建油飯、海南雞飯、櫻花蝦金腿蓉炒飯等美饌輪流提供,絕不讓您感到乏味。
*只限於星期五至日、公眾假期及前夕供應 #每晚7時半起於鐵板爐區供應
自助晚餐供應期由2019年9月1日至10月31日,每晚6:30pm – 9:30pm供應
自助餐成人價錢:HK$508(星期一至四)/ HK$548(星期五至日,公眾假期前夕及公眾假期) 自助餐兒童價錢:HK$358(星期一至四)/ HK$378(星期五至日,公眾假期前夕及公眾假期) 自助餐長者價錢(65+):HK$468(星期一至四)/ HK$488(星期五至日,公眾假期前夕及公眾假期)
每6位成人或長者惠顧可獲贈Tiger生啤2升 (只限堂食)
How can you not eat crab in the crab season? And how can you resist a crab feast which is amplified with choices of crustaceans like lobsters, oysters, mussels, clams...?
This autumn, a tasty crustacean dinner buffet will be launched at Harbour Restaurant of The Harbourview, featuring a scrumptious array of delicacies made from lobster as well as crab, in addition to all-you-can-eat Edible Crabs, Canadian Snow Crab Legs, New Zealand Oysters, etc. Seafood lovers, it’s time to crack the shells!
Complimentary Dish Baked Stuffed Crab Shell with Lobster, Cheese and Cèpes (one serving per patron)
What makes this dish stand out is the abundance of its ingredients - Alaskan Crabmeat, Spanner Crabmeat, Blue Crabmeat and Boston Lobster Meat which are fried with onion, mushrooms, cèpes and cream sauce before baking with Parmesan cheese and Mozzarella cheese. Its layers of ocean freshness are so impressive and it tantalises your taste buds with flavours that you never thought possible.
Lobster Delights Lobster Dashi Jelly Braised Lobster with E-fu Noodles Chawanmushi with Lobster Rice Cracker topped with Lobster, Mango and Sriracha Sauce Crab Delights
Deep-fried Crab Rolls in Chiu Chow Style Risotto with Alaskan Crabmeat, Tomato and Cheese Soft Shell Crab and Avocado Rice Paper Rolls Wok-fried Crab with Glass Noodles Hong Kong Style
The crabs are quickly wok-fried with ginger, onions and Chinese celery and are simply seasoned with soy sauce and pepper to balance out the “algidity” the crabs carry, demonstrating the profound and extensive knowledge of Chinese culinary. Its glass noodles absorb the essence of the crab flavour and the sauce, making it so flavoursome that you can hardly resist it.
Dessert Highlights Chestnut Cheesecake Pina Colada Chia Pudding ^Pan-fried Okinawan Purple Sweet Potato Cake with Sea Salt Ice-cream
Don’t miss this Okinawan flavour in our scrumptious buffet! To make every bite chewy yet crispy, the potato is lightly seared after steaming, and garnished with almond flakes and black and white sesame seeds. The warm cake is topped with Sea Salt ice-cream which is specially flavoured; each mouthful will make you feel like you are on the island!
^Available at the Dessert Counter at 8pm
Edible Crabs, Canadian Snow Crab Legs, New Zealand Oysters, Clams, Fresh Shrimps, and New Zealand Mussels are alternately served on the Assorted Seafood Platter. The Sashimi Counter serves various Sashimi selections such as Salmon, Octopus, Snapper, Hokkaido Scallop, Herring, Amaebi, *Hokkigai, and *Hamachi. All are sliced on the spot and served on a rotational basis. We have also prepared a wide range of carving and hot dishes such as #Pan-fried Duck Foie-gras and Lamb Chops, Roasted U.S. Sirloin of Beef, Roasted German Sausage Platter, Roast Peking Duck with Condiments, Ox Tongue in Beef Vegetable Broth, Roasted Pork Neck Korean Style, Braised Pork Soft Bone with Port Wine, Pork Shogayaki with Vegetables, Chicken Rendang, Braised Lamb Leg with Marsala Wine and Root Vegetables Broth, Steamed Sole Fillet with Pesto Cream Sauce, Sautéed Black Mussels with White Wine, Sautéed Mussels with Dill Cream Sauce, Chicken Satay, Sautéed Broccoli with Shredded Egg and Almond Flakes, Sautéed Vegetables with Thai Red Curry, Roasted Eggplant with Teriyaki Sauce, Assorted Sausages Pizza, Vegetarian Pizza, Steamed Shrimp and Pork Dumplings, Steamed Pork Dumplings with Wolfberry, Steamed Mini Custard Bun, Steamed Fresh Sabah Grouper, Stir-fried Squid with Vegetables in Spicy Sauce, Deep-fried Pomfret with Spicy Salt, Braised Bean Curds with Bamboo Piths and Crabmeat, Braised Chicken with Chestnut and Mushroom, Fried Rice with Eel and Chicken, Hokkien Glutinous Rice, Hainanese Chicken Rice, Fried Rice with Sakura Shrimps and Yunnan Ham, etc., which will be provided alternately.
*Available on Friday – Sunday and Public Holidays only #Available at the Live Station at 7:30pm
Mark a perfect end to a lavish buffet with our extensive selection of desserts including 8 flavours of MÕVENPICK Ice cream from Switzerland, Blueberry Tart, New York Cheesecake, Black Sesame Cheesecake, Rainbow Jelly, Ovaltine Serradura Pudding, Green Tea Pudding with Red Beans, Mixed Doughnuts, Chilled Sago Cream with Fresh Mango and Pomelo, Double-boiled Egg White with Ginger, Mango Mousse Cake, Chocolate Brownie, Tofu Pudding, Sesame Seed Ball with Red Bean Purée, Waffle, Hong Kong Egg Waffle, Taiwanese Taro Ball with Condiments, Mini Portugese Custard Tart, Chocolate Fountain with Condiments, etc., which are available at the Dessert Counter.
Don’t forget to chill out with our free-flow Coke, Sprite and Orange Juice available at the Drinks Bar.
The dinner buffet is available from 1 September - 31 October 2019, 6:30pm – 9:30pm every evening
Adult buffet: HK$508 (Mon-Thu) / HK$548 (Fri-Sun, Eve of PH & PH) Child buffet: HK$358 (Mon-Thu) / HK$378 (Fri-Sun, Eve of PH & PH) Senior buffet (65+): HK$468 (Mon-Thu) / HK$488 (Fri-Sun, Eve of PH & PH) 10% service charge applies
Beverage Offer: A complimentary pitcher of Tiger Draught Beer will be served to every 6 adults and senior patrons (dine-in only).