唯港薈大堂餐廳 GREEN 將於 2019 年 9 月 1 日至 10 月 31 日與比利時 皇室御用朱古力品牌 GODIVA 攜手呈獻 GODIVA 朱古力下午茶,並推出一系列精緻可口的朱古力 甜點,為嗜甜的食客帶來全新的體驗。
位於全亞洲最大之室內垂直花園旁的 GREEN,集咖啡廳及法國小餐館於一身。 精心的設計、幽靜 舒適的環境及無微不至的服務,讓客人於繁忙的都市中享受一絲閒情。酒店糕餅行政總廚何維城 師傅(Danny Ho) 特別以細膩絲滑的 GODIVA 朱古力精心設計五款創新而優雅的浪漫甜點,包括口 感幼滑的朱古力雜莓忌廉杯、濃郁醇香的金箔松露朱古力、造型別緻的朱古力手提包、榛子黑朱 古力棒棒糖及雲呢拿朱古力玫瑰,致力為朱古力愛好者打造愜意的午後時光。

From 1 September to 31 October 2019, satisfy all chocolate cravings at GREEN, with the most decadent afternoon tea in town, where every sweet treat on the menu has been infused with alluring chocolates from legendary Belgian chocolatier, GODIVA.
Relax in the sunlit dining room, surrounded by lush vertical gardens and sip on a refreshing glass of homemade lemonade before whetting one’s appetite with the much-adored freshly baked classic scones served with clotted cream and homemade jam, followed by savoury highlights such as Chocolate Foie Gras with Green Peppercorn and Iberico Ham with Melon and Wild Rocket Leaves.
Crafted by award-winning Executive Pastry Chef Danny Ho, the creative yet ethereal sweet treats will be sure to make any chocolate lover’s heart skip a beat. From heavenly GODIVA Chocolate Cream with Seasonal Berries, to decadently delicious Chocolate Truffle with Gold Flakes, to dainty GODIVA Chocolate Handbag to Dark Chocolate Lollipop with Roasted Hazelnut, it is a true heaven for all chocoholics.

The chocolate madness does not end here; diners can tuck into two-hour unlimited GODIVA dark chocolate soft serve, a cup of creamy GODIVA Cup Ice Cream with a choice between a wide range of flavours such as limited-edition Chocolate Fondant, Mango Milk Chocolate, Hazelnut Praline with Chocolate Chips, Tanzania Dark Chocolate & Banana with Chocolate Sauce and Tanzania Dark & Milk Chocolate and Belgium Dark Chocolate. GODIVA Cup Ice Cream Collection portrays a perfect mixture of the unprecedented richness and the enchanting creaminess of its finest. Experience the unique of fruits embraced by GODIVA chocolate.
To add an extra dash of decadence, guests will leave with a complimentary GODIVA Praline chocolate gift by the end of the sublime afternoon tea.