Starting from $300 per Person | Instagrammable Hotspots
【Continuously Updated】Romantic Anniversary Celebrations! Selected Hotel Buffets and Restaurant Recommendations
Anniversary Approaching? Want to Prepare an Unforgettable Celebration for Your Loved One on a Budget? No Worries! OKiBook has curated a selection of hotel buffets and fine dining restaurants around $300 per person. Whether you want to enjoy a lavish buffet or chill while savoring delicious food and ambiance, you'll find the perfect choice here! By booking through OKiBook, you may also receive exclusive offers!
Recommendations for Hotel Dining Around $300 per Person
If you don’t want to think about what to eat, hotel buffets can solve all your worries at once. If you're on a budget, you can choose lunch buffets, semi-buffets, or afternoon tea sets, which are relatively affordable while allowing you to enjoy a comfortable hotel environment. Here are a few recommended hotel dining options around $300 per person that are elegant and perfect for Instagram:
[Causeway Bay Hotel] Average $200 | Classic Hong Kong Charm: Chan's Kitchen - Causeway Bay Regal Hotel BOOK NOW
If you love nostalgic Hong Kong style, you absolutely cannot miss this! Chan's Kitchen, themed "Nostalgic Hong Kong," prepares classic Hong Kong-style afternoon tea with a variety of homemade delicacies, such as mini pineapple buns, peanut butter toast, and shrimp toast. The most special item is the daily limited edition cream flavored with White Rabbit candy paired with English scones, adding a unique flavor that pairs perfectly with classic drinks like Hong Kong-style milk tea. Enjoy a leisurely afternoon here.
Original Price: Two persons HK$349.2 HK$388 (Monday to Friday) / Two persons HK$394.2 HK$438 (Saturday, Sunday, and public holidays)
Enjoy a 10% discount when booked through OKiBook! Book Now!
*An additional service charge based on the original price will be applied.
[Wan Chai Hotel] Average $300 | Wonderland of Fruits & Flowers Afternoon Tea Buffet (Autumn and Winter Version) @ Le Menu - Gloucester Luk Kwok Hong Kong BOOK NOW
Gloucester Luk Kwok Hong Kong offers a Wonderland of Fruits & Flowers Afternoon Tea Buffet (Autumn and Winter Version) that combines fruit and floral elements, allowing diners to enjoy a feast for both the eyes and taste buds. The afternoon tea buffet features exquisite cold dishes, hot dishes, and desserts, perfect for sharing delightful moments with your loved one.
Original Price:Adult per person HK$295.2 HK$328
Enjoy a 10% discount when booked through OKiBook! Book Now!
*An additional service charge based on the original price will be applied.
【尖沙咀酒店】人均$300 | 意大利風情:Osteria 意大利餐廳 - 金域假日酒店 立即訂座
金域假日酒店嘅Osteria 一直都係香港食意大利菜嘅首選,佢哋嘅裝飾就好似意大利嘅型格小餐館,加上傳統石烤意式薄餅、自製新鮮意大利麵食及雪糕,同埋即席為客人炮製的火焰菜式,帶伴侶嚟食一定可以令佢滿意!雖然佢哋單點嘅菜式要$200-$300,但係經OKiBook 預約訂座午市最低可以有半價優惠,絕對啱晒budget 有限嘅你!
經OKiBook 預訂最高可享5折!立即預約!
【機場酒店】人均$200 | 少有地中海菜: Vivace@麗豪航天城酒店 立即訂座
鄰近機場嘅Vivace 係城中少有主打地中海菜嘅餐廳,而且非常抵食!午市半自助餐都只係由$208,已經可以試勻西班牙薯仔蛋餅,意大利烤麵包及各種配料,西班牙海鮮飯飯糰 及 酥炸水牛芝士球等等特色菜式,仲可以以優惠價加配主食!之後仲可以帶另一半去機場維修區睇日落同埋飛機升降,咁樣過一日簡直係完美!
原價價錢:半自助午餐 :HK$156 HK$208 (星期一至五) / HK$298.5 HK$398 (星期六、日、公眾假期及前夕)
經OKiBook 預訂仲可享75折!立即預約!
人均$300 餐廳推薦
除咗自助餐之外,我哋仲有其他唔同嘅特色餐廳推薦俾大家,啱晒chill 住咁食同埋打卡!
【中環餐廳】人均$200 | 懷舊理髮店設計:Zenon Cafe 立即訂座
坐落於中環威靈頓街,以懷舊理髮師作為設計主題,在港島鬧市提供一片浪漫寧靜的別緻空間。餐廳主打各式意式咖啡及美式輕食,其中三文治、沙律與All Day Breakfast等種類豐富,帶出健康生活的多元飲食選擇。Zenon Cafe特別呈獻the Truffle & Cheese,Reuben with Sauerkraut and Eggplant等引領潮流的三文治之選,經OKiBook 預約即享最高半價優惠,即刻嗌多樣甜品同伴侶Share 啦!
經OKiBook 預訂最高可享5折!立即預約!
【尖沙咀 | 太古 | 銅鑼灣】人均$200 | 歐陸小餐館:Pici 立即訂座
雖然Pici 有唔少分店,但係唔好當佢係一般連鎖式西餐。Pici 係一間專注於手工意大利麵的餐廳,提供新鮮、地道的意大利美食。餐廳環境溫馨舒適,裝潢以木調傢俱和傳統意大利風格為主,令人好似置身歐陸小餐館咁。單點菜單由 HK$95,還有多款套餐選擇,性價比高,budget 有限都唔使驚!
想享受到至抵折扣,記得經OKiBook 預約!