一年一度令人萬眾期待的聖誕佳節轉瞬間又將降臨。香港君悅酒店將為您打造一個愉快難忘的佳節! 酒店悉心設計了一系列精彩慶祝活動,為客人拉開節日序幕。
務求讓大人及小朋友一起共渡歡樂美饌時光,酒店旗下餐廳包括咖啡廳、Grissini意大利餐廳、 茶園、Grand Hyatt Steakhouse、港灣壹號、 鹿悅日本料理及 露天池畔餐廳將會提供多款節日限定的美味套餐及節日特色自助餐,令客人有一個難忘及愉快的節慶餐飲體驗,與親朋摰友共享佳節的歡欣喜悅。
除了讓眾老饕大飽口福,在平安夜的晚餐及聖誕節的午餐時段,客人可於華麗的酒店大堂之中享受聖詩獻唱,聖誕節當日更會有聖誕老人現身大派禮物,將佳節氣氛推上高峰! 除夕夜晚上7時起,著名樂團Tony Carpio將演奏經典節日樂章,為本年度新年慶祝活動劃上完美句號。個別餐廳的客人更會獲邀到酒店大堂參與倒數派對,舉杯以香檳圓滿歡送2016。
It’s time to prepare for the most wonderful time of the year. Celebrate this festive season in style at Grand Hyatt Hong Kong. The hotel offers different festive dining options for you to celebrate the joy and love during the upcoming Christmas and New Year holidays.
For a limited time only, Grand Café, Grissini, Tiffin, Grand Hyatt Steakhouse, One Harbour Road, Kaetsu and The Grill will all present an array of delectable menus featuring celebratory delights. Ensuring guests enjoy fun and satisfying gatherings, the spectrum of offerings will include buffets, set dinners and special menus featuring unlimited ordering.
Continuing the Grand Hyatt brand’s global commitment to sustainability, head chefs from all of the hotel’s outlets will source seafood of the highest quality, including toothfish, lobsters, and scallops. Tantalising gourmets’ taste buds without endangering the environment.
Apart from eating and drinking, guests can indulge into the sound of Christmas carol singing in the Grand and Dramatic lobby of Grand Hyatt Hong Kong during Christmas Eve dinner and Christmas Day lunch. Santa Claus will also be in town on 25th December to deliver his gifts to children.
To celebrate the New Year’s Eve, get ready to party away the outgoing year and ring in the new one with a sparkle! Performances will begin at 7:00 pm with the renowned Tony Carpio Big Band playing favourites from the Lobby balcony, ending the year on a high note. The hotel will also host a New Year’s Eve countdown party at its magnificent Lobby along with a glass of complimentary Champagne. Diners are invited to join the countdown party from 11:45 pm for a grand finale to 2016.