有「美食之城」之稱的摩德納 (Modena) 位於意大利北部,是頂級巴馬臣芝士Parmigiano Reggiano及傳統意大利黑醋的起源地。摩德納亦擁有「引擎之都」的美譽,是跑車界殿堂級人物恩佐法拉利的故鄉亦是意大利豪華汽車品牌瑪莎拉蒂公司總部所在,連已故男高音巴伐洛堤也出生於此。今年,更是摩德納建城2,200週年。
為慶祝2,200週年紀念,Cucina將與Cottage Vineyards於1月16日及18日攜手合辦兩晚美酒佳餚盛宴,呈獻由Cucina意籍總廚Andrea Delzanno精心設計的5款精緻佳餚配以托斯卡納的美酒,每位淨價港幣1,280。每道菜均會配上4款來自著名意大利黑醋家族Acetaia Villa San Donnino全手工製的黑醋,包括12年黑醋及矜貴的25年陳年黑醋。Acetaia Villa San Donnin的第三代傳人Davide Lonardi先生於兩晚的美酒佳餚晚宴更會身兼侍酒師為晚宴的5道菜色配上一系列可與黑醋互相輝映的佛羅倫斯Sangiovese美酒。
晚宴開始前,意大利駐港澳領事館總領事Antonellio De Riu先生將會為晚宴主持開幕禮,香港瑪莎拉蒂會及香港法拉利會的代表亦會分別於16及18日的晚宴致辭。美酒、佳餚及動人的音樂,為賓客展開難忘的摩德納之旅。令晚宴多一份層次,女高音林穎穎小姐將現場獻唱《Vissi d’arte》,擔演女英雌Floria Tosca,與巴伐洛堤的角色Cavaradossi互相呼應。
另一焦點推介是意大利經典菜式 烤小牛腰肉配巴馬火腿泡沫及薯蓉,有別於傳統,Andrea以巴馬火腿泡沫代替巴馬火腿及採用厚身的小牛腰肉,賣相精緻及口感豐富,配上摩德納12年原產地保護認證(D.O.P) 黑醋,平衡了小牛肉及火腿的油膩,黑醋的堅果及甜味更與菜色非常匹配。
冬季沙律 (港幣308) 及烤小牛腰肉配巴馬火腿泡沫及薯蓉 (港幣458)將會由1月15日至2月15日限定供應。「摩德納的榮耀」美酒配對晚宴則於1月16日及18日晚舉行, 每位淨價港幣1,280。
Modena in northern Italy celebrates its 2,200th anniversary in 2018. Renowned as the ‘City of Slow Food and Fast Cars’, it’s home to several of Italy’s most famous exports, including Parmigiano Reggiano and balsamic vinegar. The ancient town is also the birthplace of motor-racing legend Enzo Ferrari, iconic tenor Luciano Pavarotti and the headquarters of luxury carmaker, Maserati. .
To celebrate Modena and its treasured gourmet products, on 16 and 18 January 2018, Cucina together with boutique wine specialist Cottage Vineyards, will host a unique Wine Dinner highlighting a special 5-course Modena-inspired menu at HK$1,280net per person. Each chef-crafted dish will be enriched with four different traditional balsamic vinegars from Acetaia Villa San Donnino, including the Modena DOP 12 years and 25 years. Each course will also be paired with Sangiovese-based Florentine Tuscan wines selected by the Owner of Acetaia Villa San Donnino, Mr. Davide Lonardi, who is not only a Balsamic Vinegar Master but also a Wine Sommelier.
The Italian Consul General in Hong Kong and Macau, Mr. Antonellio De Riu, will officiate the opening ceremony of the unique Italy-Hong Kong celebration and representatives from the Maserati Club and Ferrari Club will also present a speech during the exclusive Wine Dinner. Adding flair to the evening will be a live performance by soprano vocalist, Ms. Colette Lam.
Among the highlights on the Wine Dinner menu is a starter of Winter salad, Romanesco Broccoli, Fennel, Red Endive and Lobster, paired with Balsamic Dressing Nerone 6 years. Made with Trebbiano grape juice and left to age in wooden barrels for a minimum of six years, this vinegar has a sharp, lively character, perfect to give enticing spice and life to the fresh ingredients of the salad.
The Roasted Veal Loin, Parma Ham Foam and Whipped Potato is enriched with Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena DOP 12 years, a highly complex vinegar aged for at least 12 years in the batteria. Dark brown in colour with considerable density, it carries a fruity nose of unique flavour and charm with a beautifully integrated mouth yielding an elegant sweetness. The earthy characters of veal and the savouriness of the ham match with the nutty characters and sweetness of the vinegar. The acidity cuts through the fat and the sweetness balances the salty, ham. The age of the vinegar creates the structure needed to balance this bold flavour pairing.

A delightful finale is the Balsamic Panettone with Vanilla Ice Cream. This festive Italian bread is infused overnight in Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena DOP 12 years crafted using Zibibbo grapes from Sicily.
The traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena DOP 25 years is a truly memorable digestif to end the evening. Made with Trebbiano grape juice, cooked very slowly over a naked flame without the addition of other substances and left to age in a series of wooden barrels for a minimum of 25 years, its taste is rich, complex and unrepeatable.
The Winter Salad with Lobster, Romanesco Broccoli, Fennel and Red Endive (HK$308), as well as the Roasted Veal Loin with Parma Ham Foam and Whipped Potato (HK$458) will also be featured as seasonal specials at Cucina from 15 January to 15 February. ‘The Pride of Modena’ Wine Dinner will be showcased on 16 and 18 January 2018 at HK$1,280 net per person.