馬哥孛羅咖啡廳於7月及8月推出具香港特式的 和牛.避風塘海鮮自助晚餐,口感嫩滑的和牛以及多款鑊氣十足的避風塘美饌,讓賓客從美食中感受最地道的本土風情。

自60年代起,於艇上品嘗海鮮的風氣盛極一時,掀起避風塘狂熱,但隨都市急速發展,避風塘美食漸被遺忘。有見及此,馬哥孛羅咖啡廳悉心炮製多款色、香、味俱全的傳統避風塘美饌,包括香脆及豐煙韌口感的港式炸蠔餅、椒鹽魔鬼魚、酥炸田雞腿 以及鑊氣十足的避風塘炒蟹 等滋味佳餚。避風塘炒蟹 是香港的著名菜式,集香、辣、惹味於一身。新鮮松葉蟹配上炸蒜和辣椒一同炒,令其鮮味更為濃厚而且非常香口。其他避風塘美食亦源源不絕供應,包括豉汁炒蜆、辣酒煮花螺、蟲草花雲耳蒸魚柳、海鮮魚湯泡飯 等盡享口福!晚餐更有即席炮製的香煎澳洲M5和牛。每位賓客於晚餐時段可無限添飲汽水及指定啤酒。
餐廳更提供多款精選冰鎮海鮮包括即叫即開的時令生蠔、龍蝦、松葉蟹、青口、翡翠螺、花甲 及凍蝦 ,讓賓客大快朵頤。
自助餐成人價錢:HK$568(星期一至五) / HK$628(星期六至日,公眾假期前夕及公眾假期)
自助餐兒童價錢:HK$338(星期一至五)/ HK$378(星期六至日,公眾假期前夕及公眾假期)
自助餐長者價錢 (55歲或以上):HK$468(星期一至五)/ HK$528(星期六至日,公眾假期前夕及公眾假期)
During July and August’s nightly dinner buffet, Cafe Marco serves up an authentic experience of Hong Kong’s local cuisine with specialty seafood dishes prepared in the traditional ‘Hong Kong style’, together with M5 Wagyu beef grilled a la minute at the buffet counter.

Typhoon shelter style seafood refers to the dishes that were once cooked up by boat dwellers living on sampans in Hong Kong’s typhoon sheltered bays. The ocean-fresh seafood and bold seasonings represent classic flavours of Hong Kong’s past. Cafe Marco’s Nostalgic Hong Kong Seafood Dinner Buffet features a scrumptious selection of local seafood delicacies such as Stir Fried Crab with Garlic and Chilli, Fried Clam in Black Soy Bean Sauce, Deep Fried Oyster Cake with Fish Sauce, Salt and Pepper Skate Wing, Deep Fried Frog Leg, Seafood Congee and many more. Diners may also enjoy a complimentary free-flow of soft drinks and selected beers during the dinner buffet.

Adult buffet: HK$568 (Mon-Fri) / HK$628 (Sat-Sun, Eve of PH & PH)
Child buffet: HK$338 (Mon-Fri) / HK$378 (Sat-Sun, Eve of PH & PH)
Senior buffet (55+): HK$468 (Mon-Fri) / HK$528 (Sat-Sun, Eve of PH & PH)
Unlimited serve of soft drinks and selected beer
10% service charge applies