既然如此矜貴誘人,尖沙咀金域假日酒店Osteria意大利餐廳的意籍主廚Paolo Federici當然不會錯過向食客推介。由十月一日至十一月三十日,主廚Paolo特別從意大利入口這珍貴極品美食,並配合各種私房製法及時令食材,讓您親身體驗白松露的「鑽石級」魔力。
餐廳是次推介的一系列松露菜式均分別都配上珍貴白松露。松露菌味濃,且夾雜複雜的香氣,所以,配料愈是簡單清淡愈是適合。溫泉蛋、扁意粉或意大利飯就是最傳統又絕妙的配搭。主廚Paolo Federici特別推介「烚温泉蛋配馬鈴薯泡沫伴白松露」、「自制扁意粉芝士配白松露」及「牛肝菌豬肉腸意大利飯配白松露」。薄薄一片的松露菌鋪在菜式上有提香之效,令簡單的菜式起了錦上添花的變化,叫人垂涎。
To celebrate the much-anticipated arrival of peak truffle season, one of Hong Kong’s most up-and-coming restaurants, Osteria Ristorante Italiano located in Holiday Inn Golden Mile, has planned a special menu featuring Italy’s coveted white truffles imported from Alba. Available from Oct 1 through Nov 31, there is time for you to savour the white truffles and get its full flavour.
Among the most prized ingredients in the culinary world, the truffle mysteriously grows underground among the roots of trees and comes to harvest only a few months each year – finding one is like uncovering a treasure. It is highly sought after for its exotic aromas and flavours, and of course its rarity only heightens its appeal.

During this eight-week promotion, the restaurant’s native Italian chef Paolo Federici will be showcasing this seasonal delicacy through a variety of inspiring dishes bound to take your taste buds to new heights. From appetizers to main dishes, choices include poached egg with potato foam and Alba truffle, homemade tagliolini with Pecorino cheese and Alba truffle, carnaroli risotto with porcini mushroom, pork sausage and Alba truffle, and veal scaloppini with mushroom sauce and Alba truffle.
Poached egg with potato foam, romaine cauliflower puree, 2 gr. of Alba truffle
Homemade tagliolini with Pecorino cheese, Italian butter, 3 gr. of Alba truffle
Carnaroli risotto, porcini mushroom, pork sausage, 3 gr. of Alba truffle
Veal scaloppini, mashed potatoes, mushrooms sauce, 3 gr. of Alba truffle
10% service charge applies
Promotion period: 1st October to 30th November 2019